When You Introduce Them to Your Fandom (Manic, Scourge, Mephiles)

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This was a request from RmcTech. This request was so unique that I really wanted to write it!! I tried my best to choose some fandoms that were popular not just to me, but possibly to some of you. Some of these fandoms might be a little on the creative side, but I hope you still enjoy. I hope that I don't get anything wrong about these fandoms as some of them I'm not too knowledgeable about. Hope you guys enjoy!!!

Manic - Fall Out Boy

Your boyfriend was a huge fan of anything musical. Of course, the green hedgehog was either making rhythms with his drumsticks, listening to his own jams, or performing with his siblings. However, Manic was extremely picky when it came to his music. You learned this the hard way after taking a road trip with him on a mission. Your boyfriend became anger towards the radio since the music never met his high standards. He would always rant about how important the drum syncopation had to be, or how much the lyrics can affect the story. Because of this, you usually kept your own music taste to yourself. You didn't want to hear him reject your favorite music.

One day, you were sitting in your bedroom, your favorite artist was booming through your stereo speakers. Fall Out Boy was one of your idols in the music world. You would listen to their songs everyday to for motivation and enjoyment. You owned all of their albums and you even snuck out of the Sanctuary to see them in concert. They might have been the biggest influence in your life, but Manic didn't even know about their existence. Your were afraid of his opinion, so you kept your songs to yourself. However, you and your boyfriend had grown close to one another. Your relationship had become so strong that you knew everything about one another. Except, Manic didn't know what kind of music you liked.

This was important to him in many ways:

1. Music was what brought the two of you together in the first place.

2. He believed that music is what makes a person who they are, so he wanted to know what kind of music molded you.

3. It was one of the only things he didn't know about you.

Manic was walking around the Sanctuary. He was simply minding his own business when he passed by your house. Your window was opened a crack, and he was able to hear something from inside. While he knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, he automatically knew you were listening to music. This made the green hedgehog curious, curious enough to stand by your window with his ears focused on every song lyric he could. He never heard this music before, and he enjoyed it. Surprisingly, he loved the band right away and began tapping his toes and fingers to the rhythm. He could hear you singing along inside, and it made him smile. He finally knew your favorite music, or at least what it sounded like.

He walked to the front door and opened it up with ease. The music was turned up so loud that his footsteps were completely masked by the extreme bass. He knocked on your bedroom door, but it ended up combining with your songs. He ended up walking to your room unannounced, finding you dancing and singing to the music in your pajamas. You had your back to the door, and Manic, being his goofball self, began dancing without you knowing. You spun around to see Manic right behind you.

"Hey, what band is this?!" Manic screamed over the music.

You were absolutely terrified. You ended up tripping over the stereo, turning off your music and hitting the floor with a thud. As you were catching your breath on the ground, Manic walked over to your stack of albums and records.

"Fall Out Boy, huh? They're awesome!!"

Scourge - Batman

You were the beautiful daughter of two extremely rich aristocrat. You wore beautiful dresses, the latest fashions, and your hair was always in the form of some fancy hair-do. If you still went to school, you probably would be the popular chick with all the boys drooling for her affection. The girl that would never have to work in her life, fed and raised with silver spoons, and a heart with enough kindness to match your bank account. So, what kind of fandom were you a part of? Many would assume you watched a soap opera or TV show drama; they couldn't be anymore wrong. Instead of binge-watching one episode after another, you made your way to a comic book store on a regular basis.

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