Antoine Add-In

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---How You Meet---
You needed inspiration for your next art project. Well, "project" is an understatement; let's say masterpiece instead. That's right, you were (Y/N) the (M/T), world-famous sculpture and painter. You would usually create pieces that symbolized tragic moments in history, such as the Great War and the current Eggman War. Today, you needed some help with your next creation, so you went to the local art museum for some guidance.

The good thing about this museum was that the people weren't very keen on their celebrity identification skills. You would usually have to wear sunglasses and a wig in order to think in piece, but the art hall was practically empty. You showed the guards your driver's licenses, and they immediately recognized you as one of Mobius' newest phenomenons. You waltzed into the building without paying, but that was one of the perks to being a famous artist.

You scanned every painting and every sculpture in the museum, but you still couldn't feel any kind of inspiration. There was nothing but an empty hole in your creative heart. What we're you going to do?

"Excusez-moi, mon cheri," a French accent spoke from behind you.

You stepped to the side as the coyote walked forward. You were standing in front of one of the most well-known paintings in the world, the "Mona Liza." ( I made it up. Think of it as a female gecko smiling or something, hahahaha!!)

You sighed as the artwork brought no ideas to your colorful head. You had artist's block, and you needed a new creation in a month. You were trapped between a rock and a hard place.

"You seem upset, madam," the stranger stated as he turned to you. He studied your features for a few seconds before having a shocked expression on his face. "You are Miss (Y/N), no? Ze famous, teenage artist."

"Uh, yeah," you answered as you offered your hand. "And you are?"

The coyote smirked before shaking your hand and answering, " I am ze greatest freedom fighter you will ever meet. I am Antoine D'Coolette, famous member of the Acorn Freedom Fighters."

"You're a freedom fighter?!?!" you asked as you pulled out a notepad from your bag.

"Oui, and the battlefield is very cold, and darkness is settled all around you. There is also...." the Frenchman explained before you covered his mouth and pulled him out of the museum.

"Can you help me with my new piece? I need to be able to feel the emotion of war in order to put them into the artwork," you asked as you walked with the swordsman down the street.

"Oui," Antoine agreed. "The emotions I usually feel are..."

Let's just say, your painting was a huge hit.

​​​​​​---When You Hang Out---

Thanks to Antoine, you we're able to get exclusive interviews with some of the freedom fighters. Even though Sonic was fast and Bunnie was powerful, you found yourself hanging out with the coyote the most. You had no idea why you liked being with him so much. Maybe it was his accent, or could it be his powerful way of explaining his emotions? You had no clue.

You sat next to the Lake of Rings as you waited for another interview with the Frenchman. The cute chaos were singing and swimming in the cool water on the hot summer day, and you had to resist the urge to join them. You noticed Antoine was strolling over, so you hid in the bushes. You wanted to scare him, and see if as great as you heard.

"Miss (Y/N), are you hear?" the freedom fighter asked.

He walked towards the brush, and you grasped a cold hand on his shoulder. The swordsman only turned his head to you in response

"Very funny, Mon Cheri," the male stated sarcastically.

"I wanted to see if you were fearless," you explained as you crawled out of the leaves. "You gotta be afraid sometimes."

"I learned a long time ago that fear is a worse enemy than death," the coyote responded.

"You gotta be afraid sometimes, right?" you asked as you sat on a cool log.

"Oui," Antoine answered. "I am afraid all the time in battle, but I have learned to overcome eet. There was one time when..."

As the freedom fighter told his tale, you allowed yourself to feel his emotions. It helped you understand the moments more, and you would create masterpieces from those moments of thrill and fear. Several chaos circled you as Antoine continued with the story. The two of you didn't leave until millions of stars floated over your heads.

---When He Asks You Out---
You had been learning from Antoine for the last few months, and you were surprised by how much you had taught. There were so many great stories that no one had ever heard before, so you would use your art to tell the tales. As you grew in popularity, you would always make time to hang out with the coyote everyday. In fact, you started having feelings for the swordsman, but you couldn't admit it.

Luckily for you, you wouldn't have to. Antoine was feeling the same, and he believed he had gained enough courage to ask you out. There was one problem though. Rejection was one of the freedom daughter's biggest fears. If you said yes, how would you guys stay in contact while he was away. If you declined, Antoine would be heartbroken, and you wouldn't be able to focus on his battles. With so many consequences, the coyote didn't know if he was ready to ask you put.

After building up his confidence once again, the coyote asked you if you wanted to walk around the great forest. You accepted, and the two of you strolled in silence. You sighed in the uncomfortable quiet, and you began drawing a new sculpture design on your notepad. Antoine watched you work in silence. His mouth felt dry, and a small lump in the tentatively him from speaking. He rubbed the back of his head as he tried gaining your attention.

"M-miss (Y/N)," the male muttered.

You barely heard him, but you turned to him," What is it, Ant?"

The freedom fighter opened his mouth, but no words came out. You tilted your head slightly in confusion. Was he sick? Antoine shook his head and tried once again. There was no sound but a single bird singing a peaceful tune. You tapped your pencil on your chin before forming an idea.

You passed the pencil and paper to the mute male, and he began writing his question. Antoine paused every now and then, but he soon finished his writing and passed the paper back to you. After reading the question, you engulfed the coyote in the tight hug while shaking your head.The coyote looked like he would pass out any second.

You had dropped the note pad on the wet grass. On the paper was the question, "Will you go out with me?" Below the words was a beautiful drawing of a rose with a ribbon around it, creating the shape of a heart.

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