When He Asks You Out (Hedgehogs)

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           He had been mentally debating his feeling about you for a few months now, and he had finally made up his mind. Your personality, attitude, and determination to help others (I've been watching Undertale a lot) ​​​made you perfect in his eyes. Not to mention that your looks were a plus. Sonic sprinted to your house at around the speed of light. He ran past your door, so he performed a swift moonwalk.

            The Blue Blur knocked on your door with a sense of confidence, but the second you opened the door, his ego seemed to retreat. "Oh, hey, Sonic. What's up?" you asked with a sweet.

            That cute smile made him even more nervous. Sonic couldn't speak, but he wasn't going to retreat like a wimp; That would ruin his reputation of fearless hero. "Just...passing by. Noticed you were back, so I decided to stop by," he answered trying to sound cool.

           You became suspicious, but you let his excuse slide by. "Alright, do you want to come in?" you asked as you opened the door wider.

           Sonic strolled in your abode with a smirk. He jumped into your couch, and propped his feet over the side. You shut the door behind him, and grabbed a bag of chips from the kitchen. You tossed them at your guest, and he saluted a thank you before opening the bag.

           "So," the male said while chewing eating a salty chip, "how was work?"

           Sonic wanted to get rid of the awkward silence in the room, and you did as well. The two of you started talking like you usually would. Soon, you guys started laughing, sharing memories, and enjoying each other's company .The hedgehog decided to take another shot at asking you out, and he was prepared this time. He even created the perfect pick-up line.

            "Ya know, (Y/N)," the hero began to say, "I think I need to see a doctor."

            "What for?" you asked, slightly concerned.

            "Every time I see you, my heart stops," the male answered swiftly.

            You started blushing, and you starred at him with shock. "R-really?" you mumbled softly.

            "Yeah," Sonic said with a small chuckle. "Do ya wanna go out sometime? My uncle runs a restaurant downtown, and we can hang out there."

            You stayed silent for a few seconds before answering, "I love to," and you have the hedgehog another smile.

            "SWEET!!!" the teenager exclaimed. "Uh, I should go. See ya later, (Y/N)!"

            Sonic rushed out if your house faster than you could blink. As he ran home, all the blue bullet could think of was, "YES!!"

            Today, a message of cut-out letters was taped to your door. The note was crafted out of different magazine clippings, and at the very bottom was a newspaper article of your attackers escape from prison. Scar the Tiger was notorious for his claws and sharp-shooting, and he was roaming the streets with his gang of criminals and killers. What was even worse was the villain's signature was at the top right corner of the letter. This guy had a bone to pick with you, and you needed protection.

            You pulled the note off your wooden door, and scurried to the forest to find your protector and friend. You dashed as fast as you could from the small city, and started searching the crowd of trees and plants for the hedgehog. You tried calling him with the number he gave you, but there was no response. You opened the letter once more, and texted Shadow a photo.

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