Scourge Add-In

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---How You Meet---
The day was absolutely gorgeous in the eyes of any good-hearted soul, especially miss (Y/N). She was driving through her hometown, heading to her favorite store while feeling the wind blow through her hair. She parked her red convertible in the parking lot, and pulled on a pair of Brown shades. After she walked into her number one shop for clothes galore, sirens blared down the street, creating a ruckus that couldn't be heard by the shopaholic.

A green hedgehog dashed into a nearby alley way, trying to escape the police and zone cops on his tail. By spindashing into a ladder above him, he was able to climb out of sight. Apparently, the po po needed to work on their tracking skills. The villain, known to several alternate universes as Scourge, leapt down from his perch and into a nearby store.

Several clothes lined the walls and hangers throughout the entire building. The criminal ducked into the male hedgehog clothing area, and he put together several outfits to cover his identity. As he approached the cashier, he made sure to cover his eyes and to zip his jacket in order to cover his infamous scars on his torso.

"That will be fifty bucks, bud," a female worker slurred as she continued to blow bubbles with her chewed piece of pink gum.

The male mobian pulled out his cash, and the employee counted her dough. She counted again and again before saying, "You're short seven bucks. Either pay up or get out of my sight."

Scourge grumbled as he dug through his pockets, only to find nothing but lint. He swore under his breath before hearing a sweet, innocent voice behind him. "I can pay."

A female (M/T) delicately strolled passed him and placed her clothes beside his. She handed over a credit card, and the ride worker plopped all the clothes in two seperate shopping bags. The male couldn't wrap his head around the girl who just helped a crook. What kind of person would do such a thing?

"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you, uh..." the shopper welcomed as she stuck out her hand.

The green mobian pulled the female out of the store before asking, "Don't you know not to talk to strangers? You better hit the road before..."

Suddenly, sirens blared around the two shoppers. The mobians were caught off-guard when a loud megaphone erupted in front of them. "Young (M/T), remain calm and slowly walk away from Scourge."

"You're Scourge the Hedgehog?" The girl asked in fright. She began backing away until the hedgehog latched a firm grip on her wrist.

"Sorry, babe," the criminal stated as he started sprinting at the speedy of sound, " You gotta stay with me."

Soon, the Chase began again. Only this time, Miss (Y/N) was stuck with the role as hostage.

---When You Hang Out---

Currently, you had been running around from the cops for a few days now, and the two of you were currently stopped at a gas station a few cities away from your hometown. Your name was all over the news as the poor girl that was probably afraid out of her mind. To be honest, you enjoyed the freedom and independence you held while you were on the run, but that was about it. You still dreaded leaving your family and friends in panic. You slightly wished for someone to step in and take you away.

The hedgehog made you by a different wig every day or two, and you we're currently shopping for snacks and drinks as a blue-haired female. You were surprised how stupid some people could be. You would have thought that someone would have recognized your partner, but no one would call the cops. If a worker would pay attention to the name on the credit card you used, you might have been rescued by now. You purchased your food and walked to the hedgehog, whom was trying to hotwire a vehicle.

"Did ya pick up some spicy chips for me, babe?" Scourge asked as he crawled out of the car. He walked around to the passenger side of the vehicle where you stood.

"Yeah, yeah," you stated as you tossed the snack to the criminal. "Quit calling me babe, I'm not your girlfriend; we aren't even acquaintances."

"Well, I know who you are, and you know who I am, so I think that makes us more than just 'buddies,'" the hedgehog retorted as he stood next to you.

He slowly began pushing you toward the side of the vehicle. You felt your back slide against the door to the back seat. Scourge was getting way to close for your taste. You placed your fingers on the door handle, ready for anything that might happen. The green hedgehog placed a hand on your hip and slid it near your back. When it reach an area that made you uncomfortable, you tighten the grip handle.

"Don't you think that we can have some fun while we drive around? You spend every day with me, after all," the criminal states as he inched closer.

You yanked the passenger door open and slid inside. You slammed the door shut behind. Scourge seemed displeased with your answer, but he only swore before going back to work. After a few minutes, the vehicle began to pure and the two of you we're on the road.

You had been on the road for an hour. Neither of you had spoken until Scourge said with a smirk, "You never answered my question ya know."

You stared into the hedgehog's orbs with a pure expression of rage. "Don't touch me again like that until I see a ring and a church!!"

You kept your surprise on the inside when you heard the hedgehog chuckle. "I always love a girl that fights back. They're the most fun. I'll respect ya, for now."

---When He Asks You Out & First Date---

The two of you had been runaways for about a month now. You were last sighted in Station Square, but that was hours away from where you were now. You now had a wig that gave you the hairstyle of a short green bob. You were walking through stores that seemed appealing. After all, the police were now tracking your credit card spots to find you so the more shopping, the better.

Scourge was off with a few friends, trying to win some cash with the help of races, bets, and pool. This gave you some time to enjoy your personal alone time. Sadly, it didn't seem to last very long. The hedgehog came running from ahead of you, and he was aiming right for you. You dodged to the side just in the nick of time. The criminal clashed with a light post, and you couldn't help but laugh.

"You okay," you asked with several laughs before and after.

"You speak of this to anyone, and I will hand you over to my friends," the villain grumbled as he peeled himself off the pole.

"Fine by me, I'd be glad to get away from you," you sneered as you began walking away from him.

The hedgehog pulled himself off the ground and grip your wrist. "I wouldn't be like that before your date, ya know?"

"Our what?" you questioned as you resisted pulling away.

"You wanted me to take things slow, fine," he explained as he released his grip. "The only thing you gotta do is leave that attitude of yours in the car."

You didn't know what to say, so you slowly nodded your head instead. The crook beckoned you to follow as he led the way to your date spot. You watched as your surroundings became brighter more a lot sunnier. Soon, sand was crunching beneath your feet as you made your way to the ocean. The site was absolutely beautiful, and the carnival beside the beach made the date look very promising.

The two of you swam and played games until it was dark. You were very surprised by how well the criminal could swim, and you would find yourself being pulled underwater at times. You had to watch out of the police on the boardwalk shine the security at the fair knew about your little trip. Overall, you started to feel more comfortable around the crook. A small feeling in your chest began to grow.

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