When Someone Finds Out (Hedgehogs)

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---Sonic---            You finally had the day off from work, and your boyfriend Sonic had returned home from a mission. While you preferred to spend the day relaxing on the couch, the hedgehog had other ideas. He ran into your house using the spare key you gave him and began begging for you to go outside with him. You were stubborn and didn't want to leave your favorite TV show, but the Blue Blur was persistent. He stood in front of your television, grabbed your remote to channel surf, and placed his hands over your eyes.

​​​​You could tell he wasn't trying to annoy you, just trying to make you laugh and rethink your plans. After a few minutes of watching him impersonate the main female protagonist with a high squeaky voice, you rolled your eyes and turned off the TV.

              Now, the two of you were strolling around town while holding hands. After the paparazzi bombarded your date with Sonic, practically everyone on Mobius knew about your relationship. Those that didn't either believed the photos were fake or lived under a rock. You knew about some of the super serious fan girls out there. In fact, people have e-mailed you threatening messages, but you didn't mind. Sonic made everything worthwhile, and you couldn't live without him.  At least no one had physically attacked you.....yet.

               Your boyfriend wanted to hit his uncle's diner for a few chili dogs, and you decided it wasn't a bad idea. Sonic ran all the way their while lead you there, making you laugh as he charged down the street. You always found the hedgehog's love for chili dogs adorable. After a few minutes of rolling around at the speed of sound, the two of you opened the doors, making a small bell jingle and sway.

               The restaurant was pretty popular, and almost every seat and booth was full. There was a small line of people at the counter as well, making the two of you wait to order. Sonic was never a patient person, but Uncle Chuck's cooking was always worth it. You couldn't see who was ordering, but they seemed picky about what they got. Poor Muttski was trying to write everything down as quickly as possible, but you became more intrigued by Uncle Chuck's actions.

                Through the kitchen counter you could see the mustachioed hedgehog sending you strange hand signals. He would point to the door, shake his hand across his neck, and mouth words that you couldn't understand. You simply have him a confused look before grabbing Sonic's attention. He was busy thinking about the toppings and spices to add to his chili sauce, but once he saw his relatives signs and signals, his entire expression changed.

                  "Hey, (Y/N), let's quietly back out of the diner without attracting anyone," Sonic said strangely as he slowly tiptoed backwards.

                  Before you could say anything, another female voice rose. "There you are, Sonic!!" The famous, Amy Rose exclaimed as she bolted towards the blue hedgehog.

                   Amy skidded to a stop once she saw you. She stared at you for a few seconds before you saw flames engulf her pupils. "You're the girl in the paper!!! So you are dating my Sonic!!!"

                   Your face flushed of all color as the pink mobian pulled out a large hammer from nowhere. Sonic pulled you out the door as fast as he could before he carried you bridal style down the street.

---Shadow---                    Shadow had taken you to G.U.N. to hear the update on the criminals after you. So far, half of the gang was in prison, and more were being placed in jail as time went by. You couldn't wait to live worry-free, and Shadow loved to see a smile on your face. He wanted to see you happy everyday, and as the dangers began to shrink, the black hedgehog would see you laugh and play more often.

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