Espio Rewrite

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So, I flat out hated the enemy I wrote for Espio. It didn't make sense, it seemed below average, and it didn't seem to have any pizzazz. Luckily, a really nice person on Wattpad, Authorchanrules, suggested using The Iron Queen from the Archie comics.

For those who don't know who she is or need a quick reminder (Comic spoilers): The Iron Queen is a human capable of controlling electrical impulses. This allows her to control robots to her will. With this power, she was able to take over the entire city of Mobotropolis, and to turn Nicole against the freedom fighters. How is she an enemy to Espio? The female Human took control of one of the four clans of the Dragon Kingdom (basically an area with cultures similar to those in Asia.) After taking control of one clan, the other three surrendered, one of those clans being Espio's. The chameleon was forced to work for the Iron Queen and to double cross his friends.

Anyways, there's your summary. Oh, one quick thing that I feel like telling you guys: (another spoiler) she had a romantic relationship with Snively.......ew.


Espio had taken you to the Dragon Kingdom after receiving an urgent message from his mother. You were going to make fun of him for being a momma's boy, but he actually seemed distressed by the situation. A small little voice in the back of your head had been speaking louder recently, and you assumed it was the mythological conscious you had heard about. Perhaps some good had rubbed on you; how disgusting.

---Time Skip---

You were currently leaving the Clan's cavern, wearing a blindfold due to the secretive Chameleon culture. Espio led you by the hand with interlocked fingers and a very tight grip. You knew why, and you wished your could help him in someway. One of the world's most feared criminals, The Iron Queen, had recently escaped from her well cell. With her magical abilities to control technology, even Dr.Eggman would be shuddering in fear. She almost conquered the world, and as you recently learned, took control of Espio's clan and family in the past. At least she couldn't have gotten far, which us why you were in the Dragon Kingdom: to track Regina Ferrum and put her back in prison.
With your eyes useless to you, you decided to mess around his your other senses. Touch: all your could feel was your boyfriend's tense grip. Taste: yeah, you weren't going to randomly stick out your tongue to taste the air. Smell: you loved the sweet smell of cherry blossoms and fresh air. Hearing: you heard a few birds singing, the wind slightly howling, and the almost silent steps behind you....wait, what?!?!?!

You halted, confusing your boyfriend. With your ears completely focused, you listened for any other footsteps. They seemed to stop almost immediately after you, but you swore you heard small breaths behind you.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)," Espio asked. You placed a finger on top of your lips to keep him quiet.

"There's someone behind us," you quietly answered.

Espio removed your blindfold so you could actually watch your back. You watched your boyfriend disappear with his camouflage and waited for him to scope out the area. You assumed he would be back in a few minutes, by time ticked by like eternity. You checked the time with your wrist communicator, but noticed it glitching out with a green screen. You pressed buttons and tried to fix it, but instead it sent an intense shock through your entire body. You screamed in pain and fell to your hands and knees.

Just as you thought you would pass out, you heard footsteps approach your weak figure. The shocks stopped, but the pain continued to tingling through your muscles like torture. You could barely open your eyes to see a red and black dress in front of you. Someone held you up by the neck, and you were able to see a blurry image of the Iron Queen herself.

"What a cute little Mobian!!" The Human mocked as you struggled to breath. Fear travelled down your spine as you stared into the crazy in her eyes. "You should be honored to be the first to fall at my feet; you won't be the last."

Suddenly, a purple blob belonging to your boyfriend appeared out of nowhere and punched the female square in the jaw. You fell out of her grip, but Espio caught you right before hitting the ground. With the help of other Chameleons, the Iron Queen was taken down. While Espio's clan members took the escaped creep to jail, you were carried back to the Chameleon Clan Caves to be treated for injuries. Your boyfriend wouldn't stop apologizing about leaving you alone for so long. He didn't realize you were practically asleep in his arms.

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