When you Meet Their Enemy (Tails, Knuckles, & Mighty)

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                Your boyfriend decided to take you to one of his favorite places: Cocoa Island. You heard it was beautiful, peaceful, and filled with small creatures and wildlife. So, the two of you packed up your bags and headed off for your own private adventure. Little did you know about the thrilling time you would have on the island. 

                 Tails had told you about his various adventures, especially his encounter with the Battle Bird Armada. He didn't seem to worry about then coming back to the island since the young fox definitely left a mark on them. Of course, Speedy, a leader in the Armada, had a bone to pick with the fox, but you didn't expect it to be on the same day as your little get away. 

                You were inside the log cabin on the island enjoying the pleasant evening. Tails was showing you a few upgrades he made on his robotic dog, T-Pup. Suddenly, the ground shook below you as you felt explosions nearby. Tails ran out the door with his robotic companion while he told you to stay inside where it was safe. Of course, you didn't want to sit around and do nothing. You followed right behind the fox to the outside workd, where a small group of birds hovered in the air. 

                "Well, well, well, if it isn't the freak that can fly. I thought you wouldn't have the guts to show your face around these islands, " a green bird stated. 

                 "Are you forgetting about the major beat down I have you and your clowns, Speedy?" Tails sassed as he flew into the air. He took down all of the minions with the help of T-Pup. 

                 Suddenly, the green bird, Speedy, kicked Tails out of the sky. You stated in horror before you ran to Tails. The fox was woozy and dizzy, but it was only temporary. You heard the bird chuckle in delight, making you angry and upset. Fueled by pure rage, you chucked a heavy stone at the enemy. Luckily, you hit him right on the noggin, making the diaper-wearing dork dizzy but P.O.ed.

                 Just as Speedy was about to dive on you, Tails punched the bird in the face.  Speedy rubbed his beak before giving the two if you an evil glare. The bird retreated from the fight, making your boyfriend smile. You always knew Tails could kick butt, but you still had to get him an ice pack for his head. 


                  Knuckles had a lot of thieves and evil madmen to worry about. He protected the most powerful jewel in all of Mobius. You already met Rouge the Bat, and you knew all about Dr. Eggman from the news and various stories told by the echidna. So, who else would be stupid enough to try to steal the Master Emerald? Well, you learned that there are stupid Hooligans out there that would do anything to make a quick buck. 

                  You were relaxing with Knuckles on the later when you heard the whirling sound of an old engine. Looking up in the sky, you watched a rusty hovercraft pullout of the clouds. Piloting the contraption was a purple weasel with a pistol along with a large white polar bear and a childish-looking green duck. 

                  "Hey, Knucklehead," the purple mobian began, "You and I have some unfinished business, ya know."

                  "And we want the shiny!!!!" The green child added as he twirled a bomb in his hands. 

                  "Over my dead body," Knuckles replied as he cracked his fingers. 

                  "Who the heck are these guys?" you asked.

                  The weasel stopped twirling his gun and pointed it at your boyfriend. "Name's Nack the Weasel, sweetheart. Along with Bark the Polar Bear and Bean the Dynamite, we call ourselves The Hooligans. We ain't to be taken lightly, either."

                   With that, the gun was fired and a battle broke out. Knuckles tried taking on all three of them at once, but Bean seemed to slip past him. Luckily, the duck didn't get past you. With his small size, you were able to pick up the small kid with ease and toss him at your enemies. The fight didn't last long, and the Hooligans retreated from the fight. You spent the rest of the day asking your boyfriend questions about the group of villains, and you laughed at the funny stories you heard. 


                   Your boyfriend didn't have a lot of enemies. Sure, there was Eggman and the  fat man's minions, but other than them, Mighty didn't have anyone on his kill list. The armadillo was a hero to all and a pacifist. Mighty made friends, not foes; who would try to harm your boyfriend? Well, let's just say she had a bone to pick with the strong Mobian. 

                    You were hanging out by the mountain side with your boyfriend on a date. Everything seemed perfect: the beautiful night sky, the blinking fireflies around you, the sweet smile on Mighty's face. You couldn't have asked for a better night. Of course, someone had to come and ruin your wonderful evening. Out of no where, an electrical beam of lightning shot out of the wilderness. Mighty pushed you to the ground before you could be hit. 

                      A small, fat figure popped out of the bushes with spark coming off her body. You realized she was a chinchilla, and an angry one at that. "I've been waiting for this moment a long time, muscles!!!"

                      The chinchilla tried to electrocute you again, but Mighty was able to pick you up and move you out of harm's way. Running into the forest, he tried losing the mountain in the dense treeline. When he thought you were far away from the crazy mobian, he put you down. 
​​​​​​​                     "Who is that, Mighty?" You asked. 

                      "Her name's Thunderbolt," Mighty answered. "She's one of Eggman's Egg bosses, and she's definitely got a grudge on me."

                      One of the trees nearby was hit with an electric blast, making the two of you jump in surprise. Mighty quickly pulled you somewhere safe while he rushed off to get rid of your stalker. You didn't see the action-packed beat down, but you definitely heard your boyfriend "kindly" fighting evil.

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