Your Day With Your Baby Boyfriend (Manic, Scourge, Mephiles)

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---Manic--- Your day was filled with pain and torture. You didn't take care of one child, but FOUR!!! You were very lucky that some adults in the Sanctuary decided to help you take care of the infants. At first, you didn't see much a problem with the babies, but your feelings changed in a blink of an eye. Manic would break everything with his sticks, making mess after mess. Sonic was hard to handle, so you had to lock the door and windows from keeping him from going outside. Sonia was a dainty little princess that was unhappy with everything. She wouldn't even eat unless she was fed with a golden spoon. Finally.....there was Dingo. You left him in front of Robuttnik's lair. He was messy, disgusting, and evil. Yeah, not all babies are angels.

Now, you were taking care of three young hedgehogs while you waited for the effects to wear off. You had a couple adults help you take care of Sonia and Sonic while you focused your attention on Manic. After your boyfriend tried practicing on a glass bowl, you tried taking the drum sticks away. Sadly, it only caused the baby to cry and wail. You had to find something else of Manic to hit, and a bright lightbulb popped over your head. You allowed the young child to give you a back massage with his drumsticks. He found it fun, and you became relaxed. Sadly, the green hedgehog decided to climb on your back and smack you on the head. He sure had a strong hit!! You were certain you had a concussion.

---Scourge--- You assumed that the effects were temporary, so you only had a bit of time to relax. What else would you do when your boyfriend was a baby? Buy him baby clothes, duh!! You missed shopping, and this was the perfect opportunity. You also kept your eyes peeled for anything that looked attractive for you or the older version of Scourge on your little trip. With the green hedgehog in your arms, you began to shop til you dropped. You found some adorable accessories, a cute jacket, a beautiful pair of shoes, and a nice top. Once your personal shopping was done, you looked for Scourge, and boy, was it fun!!

You decided to buy the child onesies and clothes with funny quotes on it such as, "I'd flex, but I like this onesie." You also got, "Watch your f****** mouth around the baby," and, "I just did nine months on the inside." You thought those suited him perfectly, and it made the baby look ten times cute. Of course, the baby was still set on wearing his jacket and shades, but you didn't mind. Your little criminal was the cutest thing in the world in your eyes.

---Mephiles--- You were completely flipping out!! How on Mobius do you take care of a demon baby? The demonic child would play with dead rats, cry crystal shards, and his laughter would cause mini earthquakes. You had to make sure Mephiles didn't get in trouble while you searched the castle library for a spell to change the demon back to normal. You had your nose in a book for about three minutes when you turned around and saw the baby crawling on the ceiling and walls. You felt like the main star of a horror movie about a possessed baby, but sadly, this was reality.

You used a levitation spell to make yourself fly up to the infant. When he was in your arms, you lowered yourself to the ground. You let the baby crawl on the floor while you wiped the imaginary sweat from your forehead. When you looked back at the infant, he was crawling near a fireplace with a torn teddy bear. At first, your mind didn't see anything wrong, but when the bear caught on fire, you rushed with a pail of water to the baby. You splashed the fire out, but made the baby cry in the process. More problems arose as you watched the baby demon, but everything was blurry after the gate of the underworld was almost opened.

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