How They Turn Into Babies (Tails, Knuckles, Mighty)

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Things were going by so fast for the rabbit flicky family. It seemed like yesterday you met Tails and you watched the mother rabbit and her kids in the tree. Of course, that was months ago, and the little bunnies had grown up. You didn't want to see them leave; they were your favorite art subjects. Sadly, everyone knows that aging cannot be stopped. Everyone has to grow up and move on in life, but your boyfriend decided to challenge reality.

The fox had a lot of accomplishments under his belt: building a TV out of paperclips; Done it. Make an entire plane out of scratch; ha! The kid was only six. Create a way to reverse life's natural aging process; it was going to be a bit of a brain teaser. Sure, Tails could do the impossible in record time, but he didn't want to hurt the animals in the process or have any mistakes. It had to be perfect.

He went through multiple experiments and trials in order to perfect the device. At first, the ray gun did the exact opposite, and it aged a plant until it withered into dust. It was usually an easy solve; just make it do the exact opposite. Of course, you didn't want the animals to disappear forever, so he needed to figure our how to cease the reverse aging process somehow. He decided to make the gun transform objects and living things back to their original state. It would be more useful that way.

After another day of testing and fixing, Sonic gave the fox the perfect opportunity to prove his device. * (Sonic's scenario) The two heroes did some testing in a friend's garage, but it didn't end so well. At least Tails knew the gun worked, but he was forced to take care of a blue baby for a while. Once Tails could get a break from babysitting duty, and created a way to turn his brother back to normal, he immediately went to the rabbit hole.

The rabbits were taking a lovely nap in the afternoon, giving the fox the perfect opportunity. Of course, he remembered not to make the same mistake as Sonic. He pointed the gun, and placed a finger on the trigger. The trigger was slightly sticky, but after a few seconds, a laser shot out, and the flickies were small little babies. Tails had a large grin on his face as he quietly dance in victory. Sadly, his grip wasn't very firm, and the fun fell to the ground. By sheer luck, the gun fired and hit the fox.

You were in your way to the rabbit hole when you heard the second blast. You rushed to the scene, thinking that a hunter had taken the innocent lives. When you didn't see anyone, you became confused and cautiously scoped the scene. That was when you found baby Miles sitting on the ground. You were forced to rob Tails' garage for the antidote, but at least the bunnies were back to being even more adorable.

Your testing on the Master Emerald was spectacular as Relic said. Now, you were assigned to test the chaos emeralds. Of course, it would take time to collect all the emeralds, so you started with the first red emerald in your boyfriend's possession. You used energy sensors, experiments, and you asked the guardian about them. Of course, Knuckles always said the emeralds were too dangerous for you to handle, so he did most of the experiments while you were forced to stand back and watch.

Today, you were standing at the base of the alter with a video camera in your hands. Knuckles stood at the top of the ancient structure with the chaos emerald and a smirk on his face. You became intrigued when the echidna said the emeralds could turn thoughts into power, and you asked for a demonstration. You tapped your foot as you waited for your boyfriend to begin, but he only tossed the emerald up into the air and caught it over and over again.

You became impatient and asked, "When are you gonna start?"

"What are you talking about? I just finished giving Eggman a few bugs in his machines, hahaha," Knuckles replied.

"Why not do something I can see? I need a video to send to Relic," you suggested while placing a hand on your hip.

Knuckles walked down the stairs and placed the emerald in your free hand. "Nah, it wears me out to use that thing. I'm gonna take a nap," the guardian stated as he stretched his back and yawned.

You didn't notice the emerald glowing brighter in your hand as you said, "Oh, does wittle baby Knucky need a nappy? I swear, you act like you're a little kid sometimes."

Well, the emerald made your thoughts into reality. Your boyfriend was engulfed in a white light before turning into an adorable infant. You wished you got it on camera, but you became super tired after the emerald performed its magic. You and baby Knuckles took a long nap before trying to figure out how to fix your boyfriend.


The two of you used the caverns to he with each other without disturbance. You still needed to reach the end of the tunnel, and you were excited to see what reward lied at the end of the very very very very very very very long tunnel. Of course, the trip is always better than the destination, and you found something very interesting recently. In fact, you were still mesmerized by what you saw.

A large, beautiful fountain with crisp clear water was in the tunnel, and you and your boyfriend decided to take a break beside it. Sure, it was really weird to find a marble water fountain in a filthy cavern, but you didn't mind. You took a sip out of your water bottle as you listened to Mighty talk about his recent adventure with Knuckles, Ray, and Amy. He had helped the two travelers steal the Master Emerald shards from Thunderbolt the Eggboss.

"Anyways, I chucked the capsule out of a large window on the roof. The thing must have flown at least 200 miles," your boyfriend said with a laugh.

You giggled as well before taking another sip of water from your bottle. Mighty decided to cup water from the fountain into his hands and drink it. You felt something wrong in your gut, but you didn't think much from it. Soon, you guys left the tunnel and went to your own homes for the night. Just as you were preparing for sleep, Ray came flying through your window in panic. He was stuttering so bad that you couldn't understand a word he said. You told him to lead you to the problem, and you found yourself in front of Moss' house.

The sloth was holding a crying baby in his arms when you enter the building. Did they call you for babysitting at such a late time? Miss brought the infant to you, and you almost fainted when you saw Mighty in his arms. You had to spend the night with the guys as a babysitter while Moss and Ray tried to make an antidote. You guys also made a pact to keep the Fountain of Youth a secret.

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