Mephiles Add-In

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---How you meet--- You had always been fascinated by the supernatural field. In fact, you loved the thrilling chill down your spine when you walked in the cemetery. You could feel the presence of those on another plane, and you only became even more and more curious with the spirit world. Soon, you found yourself performing seances in your free-time.

One particular night brought you to the remaining rubble of a royal castle. The flames of Solaris once ignited in the building, but the bright flame was blown out by an unknown person. Now, spirits and deities lie and wait in the palace's walls. You snuck in during the black night, and you formed a circle of candles in the main ballroom.

You poured holy water around the candles to protect yourself from what may appear in the sphere of light. After a few seconds of silence and mental preparation, you began to speak with the tongue of the people of old.

The gibberish words began quietly, almost unheard by yourself, but they soon erupted loud enough to shake loose pieces of rubble. You tongue clicked while your eyes began to shut with concentration.

As you ended the ritual, you opened your eyes to see a slick black substance on the inner floor of the circle. You took a small step back, but you pulled out a camera to film the experience with the nonliving.

The goop began to bubble and grow into a figure, and the silhouette of a hedgehog mobian was created. His eyes were shut, and his dark fur color made him seem filled with dread. You noticed the lack of a mouth on his muzzle, but you could still hear a quiet laughter from him.

You took a small step forward as you zoomed the camera onto the figure. Suddenly, and figure eyes shot open, and the mysterious being lunged at you. Luckily. The circle of spilled holy water prevented him from getting too close, and you watch him wail from the burning pain. He collapsed to the ground.

The dark spirit stood on his knees and asked coolly, "Why am I here?"

You stayed silent as you co tinted to film the scene in front of you. The hedgehog grunted, and pulled himself off the wet floor. He stood in the center of your seance circle, and stared deep in to your soul. His cold eyes met yours, and a strange tingle ran through your body. What was going on?

"I suggest you leave now before it's too late," the dark hedgehog stated with moving at all.

You pulled the camera down from your face. You stared at him with curiosity before asking, "Who are you?"

The strange being chuckled at your question before he began to melt back I to his original state. As he left, he answered, "I am the one that will cleanse this world. I am Mephiles the Dark, the one who will erase existence to make this world anew."

Once we was gone, you placed a hand on your hip and shook your head. You just needed a name, not his entire autobiography. He talked a lot for a guy with no lips, but it only made him more interesting. You decided to come again, and to go further into your investigation with Mephiles the Dark.

---When You Hang Out--- You would perform a ritual every other night at the old castle. You would hold conversations about supernatural topics with the strange spirit. He answers we're very short and vague, but you would always record every word you heard. Due to your quiet nature, you would be seated close to the candle circle so the dark deity could hear your soft voice. Due to this, you would warm up to the hedgehog quicker than usual. The same could be said for your New friend.

You had called Mephiles with your seance, and you were preparing to start another interrogation. As you pressed the green button on your microphone, you inhaled a dirty breath of air. You possessed a page filled with questions in front of you, and you would start by asking your guest as many questions as you could.

You began to speak, but you were interrupted by Mephiles raised his hand. The strange mobile took over for you, and asked you, "Why are you so persistent on seeing me?"

You stared at your friend in confusion. You felt slightly insecure at first, and you pushed your hair back over your shoulders. Once an answer came in mind, you replied, "I'm curious. I've never had the chance to learn so much from someone. Most people think I'm crazy or messed up in the mind."

"You are, (Y/N)," the hedgehog stated. "You are in lethal danger by being near me. I have killed millions, and I have destroyed this world. I'm a monster, but yet you choose to stay."

You stayed silent for a few seconds before you replied, "Everyone can change. You don't seem that bad to me."

Your statement made the hedgehog smile inside. He could change, but he would need help. He knew you would be there every step of the way. After all, you came into an unstable castle just to ask him questions.

---When He Asks You Out--- You had been visiting Reptiles for a while now. In fact, you had been performing research on the dark being. Very little information was found, but that only made you even more intrigued. What secret life was he holding from you? You had to find out, and you would do the unthinkable to do so. You were even planning to release the "monster" from his circular cell.

You lit all the candles once again. The wax appeared as only mere stubs, and your holy water was in short supply. You recited the words of nonsense once more, and a familiar puddle appeared in the circle. As Mephiles opened his eyes, you gave him a kind smile. The hedgehog waved back at you emotionless, but you assumed he was glad to see you.

"Hello, (Y/N)," Mephiles said as he stepped closer to you. "What questions do you have for me today?"

You looked down on the floor as you asked a personal question, "Do you remember what the world is like?"

The hedgehog stared at you in silence for a few seconds before replying, "I remember a world similar to yours. My world is from another timeline, thus I have no experience with your reality."

You walked up to the barrier that separated the two of you. You reached down to one of the candles, and with a small blow the flame died. The seal was broken, and the surrounding candles extinguished. The spirit's eyes shrunk in surprise.

You outstretched a hand to show that there was no longer a barrier. Mephiles accepted your hand, and stepped out of the barrier. He was mindful of the circle of holy water, and he looked at you with a confused expression.

"Why did you do this?" He asked as he released his grip. "I am capable of bringing the people of this planet to their knees, but you release me."

"You just have some anger issues," you replied as you skipped from the castle. "I think you're a really nice person."

The spirit stared at you in bewilderment before clearing his throat. "Perhaps I can reward you for your kindness? I can take you through the world, and share my knowledge of the world's past life."

"Sure, I always would enjoy getting some ice cream," you joked as you left the castle with your new friend. Perhaps the two of you would become more than friends someday.

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