When You Introduce Them to Your Fandom (Sonic, Shadow, Silver)

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This was a request from RmcTech. This request was so unique that I really wanted to write it!! I tried my best to choose some fandoms that were popular not just to me, but possibly to some of you. Some of these fandoms might be a little on the creative side, but I hope you still enjoy. I hope that I don't get anything wrong about these fandoms as some of them I'm not too knowledgeable about. Hope you guys enjoy!!!

Sonic - Sherlock

Sonic was often gone exploring the world and fighting for the freedom of the people. Because of this, you would sometimes come home to your home, heat some popcorn in the microwave, and jump onto the couch. You would grab the remote off the coffee table and turn on your favorite pass time, Netflix. When work hours had passed and your boyfriend was away, you would simply watch countless TV shows and movies. One of these shows was a British show known as Sherlock. You began watching the show after it appeared as a suggestion for you, and you became hooked after the first episode. The mystery, drama, and relationship between the characters made your heart pump with exhilaration. You began reading the famous books and stalking social media just to get the latest details about your favorite duo. Of course, you never told Sonic about your small obsession. You didn't really think it was his style.

This day was particularly different. As you laid stretched out on your leather sofa, your blue boyfriend was running down the street. He was going to surprise you with an early return home. He assumed you were home alone, feeling the lingering loneliness without him by your side. He reached the front door, wiping off some of the dust that he had kicked up with his speed. Just as he was about to grab the door knob, he began to hear a male voice from inside the house. This was somewhat your fault; you had turned the volume up on your television a little too loud. He had never heard this voice before, and he began to assume that someone was with you. Sure, he trusted you, but he still couldn't stop himself from believing worse.

"I am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the beautiful, and uncomprehending of the happy..." the voice said.

Was somebody trying to sweet-talk his girlfriend? He didn't want to believe it, but then he heard the voice again.

"...I am a ridiculous man, redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship."

You never talked about being friends with anyone with an accent. He was planning on entering the house casually, to try and catch you with the guy all innocently. However, he began to hear your quiet sobs, like you were crying at his words. This was what sent the hedgehog over the edge. He grabbed the golden door knob and charged in the house. The second you heard him run inside, you quickly turned off the television. The hedgehog began running around the house, looking behind the curtains and inside all the closets. You were wiping the tears off your cheeks when you noticed the Blue Blurs aggravated attitude. You stood up from the couch and walked over to your boyfriend, who had his head under the guest bed.

"What are you doing?" You asked innocently.

"Where is he?" the hedgehog questioned you.

"Where's who?"

"The guy you were talking to!! The one with the accent!"

You facepalmed. It seemed you would have to show Sonic your fandom. You pulled the blue hedgehog from under the bed and lead him to the couch. You brought the episode back up on the screen, and once your boyfriend heard Sherlock's voice, his angry expression quickly changed to an embarrassed blush. You simply sat beside him with a smug smirk and arms crossed. You told him that it was one of your favorite shows at the moment.

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