When You Hang Out (Hedgehogs)

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---Sonic---        Medical school was being a huge pain in your rear. You would study for hours, miss out on parties with friends, and you lost your weekends to training in the E.R. After all, that medical degree wasn't going to be shipped in the mail. You became stressed from worrying about your GPA and college scholarships. You needed a break from the castle of school and education, but who would you turn to for help?

        You reached the warm air outside of the school. The weekend had began, and you had made plans of sleep and relaxation for as long as you could. You slung your book bag over your shoulder as you strolled to your abode. The spring weather was calm and serene like a child's lulling. You could feel yourself being beckoned to snoozeville, but you had to reach your bed first.

        You stepped onto your porch, and started jingling your keys. You pulled out your house key, and opened your front door with a creak. The sound of video game music and the crackling of a potato chip bag echoed from the living room. You tossed your bag to the floor, and grabbed an umbrella as defense. You slowly walked to the noisy room, and prepared to smack some strangers.
​​​​​.       Sadly, your dream of violence was destroyed by the appearance of a certain blue hedgehog. He was distracted by a racing game, and seemed to be stressed out. You noticed he was on the final stretch, head-to-head with a COM player. Sonic was in full focus mode, so there was only one thing to do.

        You nudged the hedgehog off balance, making him loss control of the motion-sensored remote. He crashed into a graphic wall, and the computer crossed the finish line. Your friend dropped the remote to the ground in shock, and his mouth dropped to the ground.

         You didn't feel all that bad, so you shrugged your shoulders and walked to the kitchen for a snack. You grabbed an apple from the fruit basket, and sat on the couch beside the stunned male. You lifted his chin up in place, and picked the remote off the ground.

         "It's what you get for coming into my house uninvited," you stated as you took another juicy bite from the red fruit.

          "I was waiting for you to get back," the hedgehog retorted, snapping out of his daze. "I was bored, so I decided to beat your record. Anyway, wanna hear about my last mission in Downunda. It was way past cool."

          You rolled your eyes at the male's ego. You glimpsed at the screen and noticed the hedgehog wasn't very far from your race record. He was only seconds away from having his name in your place. You felt a competitive vibe in your blood. Maybe it was time to teach Sonic who's boss?

          "Wow, you're pretty good at this game, huh?" You asked as you picked up two controllers.

          "Please, 'pretty good' is a huge understatement. You probably used a cheat or something, am I right?" The hedgehog smirked as he grabbed a remote from your hand.

          "Or I might just be a bit faster than you?" you smirked.

          Sonic sent you a cold state."It's so on!"

          Your race with the fastest thing alive was tough, but exhilarating. You beat the Blue Blur by one point, but he refused to except defeat. You whooped his butt another fifteen times before the teen said he would be back tomorrow for another rematch.

---Shadow---          You didn't feel safe anymore. You felt everyone staring at you, and reading your mind. It seemed like every stranger you met had something against you, and you became paranoid. You couldn't even go to the store without sweating in fear and anxiety. You had enough, and went to the police for help.

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