A Day with Infant (Y/N) (Espio & Antoine)

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"I'm not the youngest one anymore!" Charmy exclaimed while fist-pumping into the air. He flew down to where you sat on the ground and stood next to you, now beating you in height. "Just call me Big Brother Charmy!"

"Ain't going to happen," Vector grumbled while picking the child up off the ground. Espio lifted you up and into his arms. "Espio, take care of (Y/N). Charmy and I will go talk to Tails and figure out a way to fix this."

The two started leaving, though Charmy struggled in his arms. "No!! I wanna teach her so many things!!"

"She doesn't need to learn anything from you, now c'mon!"

The mobians left with a loud thud coming from the front door. Espio watched the door for several seconds before finally believing that they were gone. He looked down to see you staring up at him. Your eyes almost seemed to hold a bit of attitude; as if you were silently judging the teen.

"Don't look at me like that," the chameleon stated. "You were the one that fired an unknown weapon. You did this to yourself." Espio turned his head to look back at the door.

You crossed your chubby arms across your miniature chest. Your small eye-brows furrowed to make you appear angry. You tried to speak an argument, but your words only came out as toddler garble. You couldn't be comprehended, making you more adorable instead of mean and vicious. In fact, Espio began to snicker quietly immediately after looking back at you.

"You're so cute," the ninja complimented while pinching your chubby cheek. You swatted his hand away and returned to your "harsh" look. Espio allowed you to stand on your own on the wooden floorboards. "You're still as feisty as you used to be though."

You began walking on your own, although your legs were wobbly and made you unbalanced. You slowly made your way to the fridge, followed by a curious and concerned Espio. You began reaching up for the door handles, but they were just barely out of your reach. You started whining quietly after failing to jump up and grab it. Espio took pity on you and opened the fridge for you. You glared at him for a split second before going back to the fridge. You reached up again, trying to grab a Cola.

"You are not drinking pop," Espio stated casually. He reached into the fridge and pulled out an apple juice box. It was lowered down to you, only for you to swat it out of his gloved hand and onto the floor. "That's all your going to get out of me."

A staring contest began between the two of you. You glared into his eyes with clenched fists and furrowed eyebrows. Espio's stare was casual and relaxed. His ninja training served him well, even against a cute little being such as yourself. Soon, you gave up the fight and reached down to pick up the fallen beverage. You popped the straw into the hole and drank with a look of pity and defeat. Espio leaned back and smirked down at you.

That smirk didn't last long. As soon as you finished the juice box, you tossed the cardboard at his head. It smacked him right in the forehead, and although it didn't hurt, it still ticked him off. He crossed his arms before picking you up off the ground. You immediately began to fight back in his arms.

"Someone's getting a time out."

You were stuck in Charmy's room--he has the best toys for kids-- and you sat in a corner for fifteen minutes before being allowed to play. As soon as you "learned" your lesson, the two of you played like little kids do. You had a really intense game of tag and hide-and-seek. After all, your opponent could turn invisible.


"Are you ready yet?" Antoine called from out in the hallway.

"I'm ready!!" You childishly announced from within the bathroom.

You slowly opened the creaking bathroom door and stepped out into Antoine's point of view. You wore a small princess costume and a pair of high heels much too big for your toddler feet. Lipstick was applied to your face with a lack of precision. It stretched across your lips and onto your cheeks with a tad spot on your nose. Mascara was also applied to your eyelashes, although the black ink also stretched up and below. Random beads and necklaces hung from your neck along with a pair of clip-on earrings. Overall, you were absolutely adorable in Antoine's eyes.

"You look so pretty, (Y/N). An absolute princess!" the coyote complimented as you slowly made your way to him. The high heels were a struggle to keep on your little feet, and you clomped on the floorboards as you walked. Soon, you decided to take the shoes off and began running to your babysitter.

"Now it's your turn!" You announced as you pulled on Antoine's hand, pulling him from his sitting position.

Immediately, the coyote's expression changed to a fearful worry. "Oh, no no. That's okay, sweetie. It's much more fun watching you, and--"

"Can I at least do your hair?" you asked quietly and sadly. Your eyes grew large in an attempt to look cute, and you made your bottom lip tremble. While the makeup on your face somewhat ruined the effect, Antoine still couldn't say no.

"Of course, Mon Ange," the coyote stated with a soft smile. You immediately hopped into the air in excitement and pulled him over to the couch.

You ran into the bathroom and fetched a comb, hairbrush, an assortment of clips, ponytails, headbands, and bobby pins. You brushed through Antoine's hair and immediately began putting in ponytail after ponytail. Soon, butterfly clips were placed in his hair in a crazy pattern. At one point, you left the couch to grab a set of washable colored markers. You then used them to color the coyote's fur from blonde to crazy blue and leaf green. Once you were done, Antoine had about five different ponytails in his fur, each a different color. Flower and butterfly clips rested at the front of his head with twisted braids. You looked at your work like it was a masterpiece while your boyfriend only mustered a smile and hoped the colors would wash out in the shower.

The rest of the day was spent drawing and reading stories together. Antoine made plenty of delicious snacks for you while you played with your markers and colored pencils. No matter what though, you never let the coyote mess with your hard work in his hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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