When You Meet Their Enemy (Sonic, Shadow, Silver)

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     I got a request for when they turn into the marshmellows from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. I'm not too sure on how to do it, so I'm probably going to change it a bit, sorry. I'm going to do that next week so be prepared everyone, hahaha.

---Sonic--- You were currently in the pleasant fields on the outskirts of the city with your boyfriend. Today was one of the few days you guys could relax and enjoy the beautiful day together. Dr. Eggman hadn't attacked in a while and you finally got a break from medical school. Everything seemed to be going your way, and you couldn't ask for anything better.

You giggled and laughed with Sonic about one of his thrilling adventures in the prairie. "Tails caught you talking to a broken robot?" You asked between laughs.

Sonic finished his chuckles before answering, "Yeah, and it definitely wasn't one of my best moments."

The two of you continued to laugh at the story until you calmed down. You rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder as you watched the sun set of the horizon. Sonic picked a beautiful blue Columbine flower and placed it in your hair. The two of you looked at each other before slowly inching closer. You closed your eyes as you waited for the gap to close. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest. Finally, your first kiss the the heroic hedgehog. Sadly, someone had to come and ruin the perfect moment:

Eggman. Why did he choose to attack at that moment? You had no idea and neither did Sonic. In fact, the hedgehog looked absolutely ticked at the evil human. Eggman hovered above you in his Eggmobile with two small robots by his side. The hedgehog stood up from the ground and gave the villain an intense glare. Dr. Eggman returned the gesture to his enemy before catching a quick glance of you in the background. The madman looked down at his rival again with a smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well; I never expected The Sonic the Hedgehog to slow down for such a.....peculiar girl," the human stated.

Sonic only smirked before replying, "I never expected The Disgusting and Hideous Eggman to even know what a girl was, but look at you now."

You heard the human growl in annoyance. You also watched a cute cube-shaped minion wave at you from behind the villain. You gave him a shy wave back before watching the red robot pulled his friend down out of you vision. They knew what was going to happen.

"Besides, I don't slow down for anything, Egghead!!" Sonic exclaimed.

The hedgehog ran around around the Eggmobile faster than the speed of light. A large, blue tornado began to form, and it tossed the criminals far away from you. Sonic crossed his arms in victory before walking back over to you. The two of you continued the rest of the night with each other, but no kiss. Sadly, the moment was ruined.

---Shadow--- There were several people that would put Shadow in a bad mood: Dr. Eggman, a few G.U.N. officials, even Rouge would tick him off. Of course, there was one person that drove your boyfriend off the walls: Sonic the Hedgehog. You didn't mind the Blue Blur that much; you thought he was just another "friend" of Shadow's, but the black hedgehog couldn't stand the faker. You would hear Shadow complain non-stop about the blue hero, but you never witnessed an event with the two hedgehogs. Today was your lucky day.

You and Shadow were talking through town hand-in-hand. Most people around town knew you were the cutsy, lovable girlfriend of the dark hedgehog by now. You filled Shadow's life with happiness and joy, but almost everything washed away when a voice echoed from behind the two of you.

"Hey, Shadow!! Long time no see!!" A blue hedgehog yelled over the crowd.

In a blink of an eye, Sonic was right in front of you, making you halt. Shadow had fires of fury going off in his pupils, but Sonic seemed completely relaxed by the encounter. You were wondering how the meeting would go; Would it go completely awry or would Shadow hold back the persuasive voice in his head telling him to punch his double?

"Hello...Sonic," Shadow responded coldly. You were impressed he didn't call the blue hero "faker."

"So, Shadow? Whose the girl you got with ya?" Sonic asked with a smirk.

You decided to answer since Shandow looked like a walking time bomb. "I'm (Y/N), pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, you're the girl that Shadow's been watchin' over? Ya know, I never really expected him to actually be nice to someone. I mean, he's stubborn, rude, angry--OUCH!!" Sonic screamed as he held onto his hurt foot.

Shadow had pounded the hedgehog to keep him quiet while he quickly pulled you away from his rival. You were certain Shadow was going to ramble on and on about Sonic when you got home.


You never knew that Silver had any rivals or enemies. In fact, you always believed that your boyfriend was against any kind of violence in general. He never showed anger, rage, or any kind of mean emotion. He was always so laid back and polite about everything that you assumed that he wouldn't hurt a fly. Boy, were you wrong. Things went flying around your bedroom as Silver watched the news story. They had discovered a reformed demon living like a normal mobian a few zones away. Silver was P.O.ed.

"Silver, isn't this a good thing?" You asked as you hugged your boyfriend to help him relax.

"If Mephiles is involved, it's never a good thing," the hedgehog answered while hugging you back.

You didn't like seeing your boyfriend with such a rotten attitude. Being the sweet girlfriend you were, you decided to give him your time and listen to his "speech" about the demonic Mephiles. Silver rambled on and on about confusing and complex time traveling. Your mind was trying to piece everything together, but you couldn't comprehend what had happened in a different time line. You began nodding your head every few sentences while drifting your mind else where.

When your boyfriend finally finished his nagging, he fell on the couch with a long, tired sigh. As he laid on his back, you placed the hedgehog's head on your lap and began petting his quills. A small smile appeared on the hedgehog's face as he began to relax.

You gave your boyfriend a sweet smile and asked, "You feel better now?"

Silver responded with a sleepy mumble and a slight nod of the head. You giggled at the hedgehog as you continued to help your boyfriend calm down.

"You want to go somewhere tomorrow? Just you and I?" you asked.

Silver opened his eyes slightly while nodding his head again. His eyes fluttered shut as he replied, "Definitely." Your boyfriend immediately fell asleep, making you smile at his cuteness.

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