Chubby Bunny Challenge!! (Sonic, Shadow, Silver)

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"This is stupid and you're going to end up choking, Sonic."

" You worry too much, (Y/N). Is the camera recording?"


"Sweet!!!" Sonic waved at the camera. "Come here, you're playing, too."

You didn't argue since there was no point in debating. Sonic was dead set on having some trending and thrilling fun with you, and you were lucky you talked him out of the Cinnamon Challenge. Your boyfriend was back from a mission to save the planet....again. To celebrate, the two of you decided make memories, but this wasn't the way you were thinking of doing it.
With a bowl of marshmallows between you, you watched your boyfriend take a large marshmallow and place it in his mouth. You shrank back in disgust, making sure your face was displayed to the camera for humor. What? If you guys were going to do this, you were going to make it comedic. Anyways, your boyfriend shoved the white puff ball into the side of his mouth. With a weird-looking smirk your boyfriend stated a cocky "chubby bunny"

You decided to show your boyfriend who's boss. With a marshmallow in hand, you tossed it into the air and popped it in your mouth. Your little trick made Sonic widen his eyes in surprise; he expected your to be against the challenge. With a hand on your hip, you stated "chubby bunny" followed by a snap of the fingers.

The two of you sent competitive actions towards one another as you stuff your mouths with teeth-rotting junk food. You guys were currently tied, seven to seven. Sonic shoved with eighth marshmallow into his cheeks like a squirrel, showing off a disgusting mound of saliva and sugar. He emitted a "chuffy uy" before feeling the pile begin to fall out, he quickly finished his word before trying to force the food back into his mouth. You smirked a held back a laugh. You tried mashing the treat along your cheek and stated something incoherent before being forced to spit out the sugar stronghold in your teeth.

Sonic pumped his fists in the air with a proud gleam in his eyes. Wiping the disgusting spit from your mouth with a paper towel, you stated, "You gotta keep going, Blue." The hedgehog gave you a face saying, "Watch me." You looked at him in disgusted as he shoved another fluffy piece into the marshmallow mound. He said something inaudible before being forced to spit out the food.

After wiping off the gross ooze, he turned to you and asked, "Did you hear me say it?"

"Say what?" you asked with attitude.

Your boyfriend rolled his eyes before answering, "I love you!!"

"I'm not playing," Shadow stated as you dumped marshmallows into a glass bowl.

"Why not? It's fun!!" you whined.

"It's stupid, and frankly, I don't like marshmallows," your boyfriend sneered.

Time for a little reverse psychology. "I guess you'll just have to live with your rival beating you, the Ultimate Lifeform at something."

Shadow immediately shot you a determined glare before asking, "How much?"

"He posted the video a few nights ago with some chick. He got nine before before being forced to spit it out."

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