First Date (Tails, Knuckles, Mighty, Espio, Antoine)

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"Don't die before I come back, alright bud?" Sonic asked as he headed out of the room.

"Please, hurry," the young fox said in a weak voice. "My head is pounding."

Allow me to explain the fox's predicament. In order to secretly go on his date with you, he needed Sonic out of the house. Of course, Eggman just had to take a vacation to some place known as Bygone Island, so the heroic hedgehog was able to get a few days of relaxation. His activities included binge watching his shows and playing his favorite video games. If Sonic wanted to go on a run, he would force Tails come with him. Soon, the young genius figured out a way to grab his bi-plane without his brother's knowledge.

He decided to play the "poor, sick kid" skit. Children may use this act when they want to get out of school, but it works just as well when you want someone put of the house. Tails faked a few coughs the night before, and be claimed to have the world's biggest headache in the morning. He asked his super kind big bro to get some medicine for him, and while Sonic prefers toughing through a sickness he couldn't stand seeing his best friend wail in pain.

"I'll be back in a sonic second, kid. Just try to get some rest," the hedgehog stated as he rushed out of the house to the store.

The fox hopped out of the bed, and created a sleeping Tails hologram in his place. He added in a recorder with a few quiet sleeping sounds for good measure. Then, he flew to the garage and drove with prized possession out of the hangar. He used another hologram to take the place of his amazing bi-plane. He wasn't in a rush since the check-out lines at the store were way too slow. He tuned the radio to some upbeat music, started his propellers, and flew off to the meadow to find you.

You were feeding carrots to a bunch of hungry rabbits under a large Oak tree when a loud motor erupted from above. You date parked the plane a few yards away since it would scare the animals. You gave the flickies the rest of the orange vegetables as you ran to the fox while carrying a large picnic basket.

"So what did your brother say when you told him you were going on an 'adventure' without him?" you asked as Tails lifted you aboard the plane.

"I didn't really tell him. I decided to let him enjoy his vacation 'adventure' free," the Fox stated as he prepared the plane for lift-off.

The two of you headed to Flicky Island, where you searched for rare animal species and enjoyed with beautiful scenery around you. The two if you had a picnic by the seaside (another reason why Tails chose not to tell Sonic). You continued to talk about everything that came to mind. I guess you could say opposites attract.

You began wondering if you had made the biggest mistake in your life by accepting the echidna's bet. You had to stay by Knuckles' side for the entire day, but you were scared about passing out from his personality. You never should've made the bet. If Knuckles' friends were as bad as him, you would have the largest migraine in the world.

You approached the shrine where the echidna was located. He was giving instructions to a blue hedgehog. The hedgehog didn't seem to care that much since he was laying onto of the prized jewel with his headphones over his ears. Knuckles had his eyes shut as he continued to ramble about his directions. You approached the hedgehog and pushed him off the Master Emerald.

"What gives?!?!?" your victim asked as he rolled on the ground to look at you.

"I still require further scrutinizing to glean information on the occult powers of the arcane Master Emerald. I cannot allow an ignoramus such as yourself to mar the jewel with such impertinent actions," you stated with an emotionless stare.

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