Your Day with Your Baby Boyfriend (Sonic, Shadow, Silver)

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---Sonic--- While Tails created a way to revert Sonic back into a teenager, you had to take care of the little hedgehog. It wasn't too bad; he would only run around the house at the speed of sound. Of course, the poor guy wouldn't be able to handle his intense speed at such a young age, so he broke a few decorations and made a couple holes in the walls. The kid could also eat a horse and a half. Your boyfriend was barely beginning to run and he was already eating 693 chili dogs in one sitting. Of course, what happens when you eat a ton of food or exercise a lot? You get tired, and boy was that kid in need of a nap.

After an hour of chasing and ear-piercing whining from Sonic, you were able to get him to fall asleep on the couch. After you heard he softly snore, you decided to take a nap in your bedroom. You got under the covers in your bed and snuggled into the sheets. Soon, you were off in dreamland, but you were awaken about thirty minutes later. Why? You felt Sonic the toddler crawl into your bed and fall asleep with you. You thought it was absolutely adorable....until he began kicking you in his sleep.

You we're stuck with baby Shadow for the day until G.U.N. created an antidote for your boyfriend. You had to admit, you never expected your boyfriend to be such a whiny little kid. He cried about every little thing: his shadow, when you left the room, if he heard something, everything!!! It got old fast, and you needed a break. Sadly, there was no way you would get your boyfriend to take a nap, so you decided to show him one of your favorite T.V. shows growing up: Dora the Explorer.

Sure, Shadow was too young to completely understand what was happening, but you hoped the bright colors would distract him enough to keep him quiet. You pulled up Netflix and turned on the first episode. As you watched, you never realized how stupid the show was. The awkward silences were way too annoying, and you couldn't bear to watch Dora struggle at the simplest things.

"Which path will lead us to the red barn, the left path or the right path?" Dora asked.

Dora would only stare deeper in your soul as you said, "Left.....GO FLIPPING LEFT.......LISTEN TO ME, YOU SON OF A--"

"You're right!!! We need to take the left path," the animated girl answered.

Good thing, too. You didn't want to swear in front of baby Shadow. Instead of watching a stupid show like that, you decided to watch NCIS in front of your infant boyfriend. You would make a perfect parent.

---Silver--- Silver had to time travel through his life in order to figure out where (err when) the baby version of him belonged. That left you to watch the little infant while he was gone. It was a pretty bad idea; I mean, does it really makes sense to trust a baby with time travelling abilities and psychokinesis with a normal teenage mobian, not really. You were jumping and chasing the baby all around your room, trying to keep your mother from hearing the racket. Sadly, that was getting harder and harder to do.

"You get down here right now!!" you quietly shrieked.

The small infant was floating in mid-air with a blue aura around him. He was sucking his thumb and spinning around and around slowly. You tried jumping on your bed to get a little more height, but you got too much lift and smacked your head on the ceiling. Your mother heard the loud thud and began rushing up to your room. You finally grabbed the infant from the air, and held him close to your chest. Your mother came up and saw you holding what she believed to be a small toy.

One problem led to another. Silver got the hiccups, which made him teleport all over the house. He flew above a burning stove, almost broke your mother's glass figurine collection, and almost fell in the toilet. Luckily, you didn't get caught; your mother must've been blind and deaf. How on Earth could she be so oblivious?

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