How They Turn Into Babies (Manic, Scourge, Mephiles)

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You had heard about Sleet and Dingo from Manic and his siblings, and you loved hearing about their multiple failures. You would laugh at every story you heard if it involved the two morons. Their plans were.....creative, but multiple holes and complications allowed the hedgehogs to win again and again. It was even more hilarious when you learned about Sonia's secret admirer. Sleet and Dingo were idiotic, cowardly, and bit fat losers like their boss. You never expected the two bozos to create a plan that would actually stall the hedgehog's in their quest to find Queen Aleena.

After your encounter with Doctor Robotnik, Manic forced you to stay in the Sanctuary for your own safety. Being restricted to such a beautiful, spacious place with your boyfriend definitely wasn't appealing to you. Instead, you stole Sonic's unused hoverboard (he preferred to run) and followed the hedgehog's to the robotic city. It was hard staying hidden for the freedom fighters, but you found good coverage in the dense forest. After a few minutes of sharp turns and several smacks from tree branches, you finally reached Robotropolis.

You watched the triplets head into an old abandoned building. They would use it as a small base in the city limits. You had only been in there once, but it was very spacious and safe for the most wanted criminals on Mobius. You flipped off the hoverboard before watching Manic be the last to slip into the building. You approached the door cautiously with quiet footsteps. Sonic pulled the door down, leaving an open space to listen for Swatbots. You crouched by the open crack, and tried listening to their plan.

Suddenly, the garage door slammed shut scaring you and the hedgehog's inside. You heard Swatbots marching out off a nearby alley, and you we're forced to run away. You used an escape ladder to climb to the roof of the abandoned building, and you tried finding an entrance into the secret base. The doors were jammed shut, and any window was either boarded up or sealed with metal plates. You were scared, but decided that you couldn't wait.

A ship flew down a nearby alley and parked by the building. Sleet and Dingo walked down the ramp with clicks and clanks of metal. The Gray hound pulled a remote out of his suit, and the doors opened leaking white smoke out into the alley. You waited for a blast of music to knock down the villains or for Sonic to bust out of the room with his siblings ready for a fight, but they never came.

You watched Sleet send three Swatbots into the building after all the smoke had cleared. After a short time, you saw the three hedgehogs being carried away. They were unconscious but unharmed which made you feel slightly better. You slept from your high perch before the Hedgehog's could be loaded onto the ship. You used your fists to destroy a few Swatbots, but more kept coming. You were surrounded by at least ten robots, and more continued to flood the streets.

"Doctor Robotnik will be very happy when we bring back an escaped prisoner," Sleet hissed as he grabbed your wrist.

​​​​​​ At first you didn't resist, but after a few seconds you knocked the hound off his feet making his remote fly in the air. Dingo tried to stop you, but you were too fast. You grabbed the remote and turned off the robotic army. The hedgehogs fell to the ground with a this, but they were safe.

"We have one chance!!" Sleet exclaimed as he pulled a gun and aimed it at your boyfriend.

You tried to intervene, but you couldn't beat a laser moving at Sonic speed. It hit Manic, then Sonic, and finally Sonia. When it aimed at you, you tumbled backwards in the ground, and then jumped while performing the splits. Dingo tried to grab you, but was shot by the laser himself. Soon, Sleet's gun ran out of power, and he was forced to retreat, leaving a few infants in your hands.

You had to take care of four infants, but it wasn't too bad. Sure, Manic would break everything with his drumsticks. Sonic would be a huge pain in the butt to keep track of. Sonia would be very picky about food, clothing, who she was with, and literally everything. Finally, Dingo was just.....weird. Never mind, it was torture.

After your little run-in with the police at the mall, you had to follow Scourge through several dimensions. Good thing was you got did of the normal cops, but you were breaking dozens of zone rules which meant the zone cops were hot on your tail. You guys traveled from the human Earth dimension to prehistoric Mobius, Moebius to the zone prison. (By accident, and you didn't stay long.) It was fun, traveling from zone to zone, but you never had any time to relax.

Finally, you reached a zone that understood you. It was beautiful, shopping malls, spas on every block, and everything your little heart desired was at your reach. Finally, you could relax and enjoy your life without having to run from zone to zone. Sadly, Scourge didn't want to stop moving.

"C'mon, babe. We gotta keep moving or we're screwed!!" Scourge yelled as you looked through the store windows.

"We've been traveling for days now, and we haven't seen then since that time in the mall. How do you know they are looking for us?" You argued.

"Remember when I said I liked a girl that fought back? Now, I'm changing my mind. Get in the portal!!" Scourge exclaimed as he pointed to the open warp ring.

You crossed your arms, turned from your boyfriend, and sat on the cement sidewalk. You could hear the smoke blow from Scourge's ears, but you didn't move. Your boyfriend didn't try to persuade you. Instead, he left you and jumped through the portal. At first, you felt betrayed and heartbroken, but suddenly, Scourge came barreling out of the portal as an infant.

You got to spend some more time in the spa zone before you decided it was time to leave. You had your own me day while you left Scourge at the daycare. It's what he gets for almost leaving you.

You had been experimenting with spells and incantations with Mephiles. In fact, he was not only your boyfriend, but also your teacher in the dark arts. You would only use the skills to defend yourself....or to get revenge on some kids at school. You learned to levitate small objects, summon small creatures of black smoke, and to create shields and weapons in a fight. Overall, your boyfriend was a great teacher, and you wanted to repay him.

You wanted to make Mephiles a mortal with a heart, lungs, everything. You wanted to help him feel emotions and to experience mobian life. Thing was, you wanted it to be a surprise, so you kept it a secret. This also meant that you couldn't ask for help, which made errors occur.

You would test your spells at home. By summoning the small spirits, you would try to perfect your spells. It took a lot of practices. First, you turned a beast into a cactus, then a pillow, and then it exploded. After taking a shower to rid your face of smoke and black ooze, you have your experiments more testing. It took days or hard work and determination, but you were finally able to turn a nasty monster into a sweet baby puppy. With your success, you quickly skipped to Mephiles, whom now lived in the refurbished caste.

You ran in to find your boyfriend sleeping soundly on a large bed. At least, he seemed to be sleeping. Mephiles had no expressions or any feelings, but that was about to change. You quietly tiptoed to your sleeping boyfriend, creaking a few loose floor boards. Luckily, the demon continued to lay motionless on the bed, so you continued to the bed.

You pulled the spell out of your pocket, and you began to recite the words. They slipped off your tongue like venom, and you began to we sparkles shimmer around the demon. The glitter began to circle the male in speeding winds. You couldn't even see Mephiles in the center of the white winds. Soon, the transformation ended, but it wasn't what you were expecting.

Sure, he was so what mortal, but he was also a baby. How were you supposed to know he would become a child? You had to watch your baby boyfriend at the castle while you created another spell. The good news was the baby could feel emotions, but they were mostly anger and sadness.

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