When You Meet Their Enemy (Espio & Antoine)

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(I really didn't want to use Eggman again, so I decided to gain inspiration from this video.)


(It wouldn't let me place the video in, sorry)

Espio didn't have an arch enemy that he fought again and again on a regular basis. It all depended on his current mission. The Chaotix would help almost anyone for the right reward, and you learned about a long time ago. In fact, the only reason you met the detectives was because they were promised a large sum of cash for your arrest. Recently, the Chaotix had signed up for a risky job for the lowest of the low (in your book): the freedom fighters. You were forced to tag along due to your relationship and your current situation with the fuzz. You couldn't leave the Chaotix until you were officially reformed.

You watched your boyfriend and his team duck into the shadows, roll from one hiding place to another, and army crawl in fear of traps or alarms. You guys were currently in one of Eggman's old bases, trying to find some clues to the fat man's whereabouts. Your criminal mind told you nothing was wrong (plus the fact there was no power in the old base) so you walked behind the Chaotix while slurping a delicious milkshake. (I'm sorry, I'm really thirsty right now, hehe)

"We almost done yet, babe?" you asked before taking another sip of your yummy treat.

"Get down, (Y/N)," Vector commanded. "We can't get caught."

"By what?" You taunted.

Suddenly, a large shadow loomed on the other side of the hallway. Espio pulled you down for cover and held you close. You enjoyed the protection, but you preferred to drink for dessert without feeling constricted. Anyways, you watched the shadow cross the wall in suspense, wondering who or what it could be. As it continued to walk forward everyone felt their heart beat out of their chest.

The figure began to move into your sight, but you were surprised that such a small and cute looking...thing would created such a horrifying shadow. The fox-looking object turned towards you with bright red eyes of hatred. It released a loud, terrifying shriek that made you and your friends cover your ears. Espio quickly threw one of his shurikens at the weapon, hitting it right between the eyes. Sparks flew, and the doll fell to the ground.

"What was that?" You asked loudly. Your ears were still ringing from the screech.

"A terrifying beast that I plan on burning," Espio answered. Everyone looked at your boyfriend with wide eyes and scared expressions. You almost dropped your milkshake.

Antoine decided to take you on a mission. Of course, he chose a mission that was safe and simple: recover some destroyed machine parts for Sir Charles to analyze. The freedom fighters had a large battle in old Mobotropolis, and you were able to help your boyfriend rummage through the wreckage. Now, you had your own goals in mind: you thought a metallic piece of artwork was missing from your gallery. You would call it, "Metal Mayhem," and it would consist of various parts of defeated badniks. You could see it perfectly in your head.

You and the coyote began digging and searching for various parts and gadgets. You found a few motherboards and some wires that you could add into your master piece. Antoine was set on finding memory cards in order to gain intelligence on Eggman's whereabouts and plans. As you dug and dug in the oily and cold piles of parts, you found something that you had to put in your sculpture. You found a metallic robot that looked like your boyfriend's ally, Sonic. Sparks leaked out of the machine's chest, but you didn't care. You reached for the robots hand and turned to grab Antoine attention.

You didn't expect the broken machine to grab you.

You tried pulling your arm away from the machine, and it kept a firm grip. You began to freak out as Metal Sonic arose from the ground. His eyes beamed a rich red, and you heard the robot open and close his fist, showing off his dangerously sharp claws. The machine raised it's hand above you, and you turned away with closed eyes. You awaited for pain to come, but you never did.

You opened your eyes to see your boyfriend piercing his sword into Metal Sonic. The robot's eyes blinked on and off, and it's grip became light enough for your to break free. Antoine pulled his weapon out of the robot's torso, but you weren't going to play damsel in distress. You gave the machine a tough upper cut through the chin. While it probably broke your fist, it sent the robot flying in the air. Sadly, the machine caught itself in mid-air by turning on it's turbo engine. It flew away with sparks seeping out of multiple areas. Antoine hugged you close and complimented you on your fighting skill. You still had shaking nerves, so the two of you decided to relax for the rest of the day.

Confused on Antoine v.s. Metal Sonic?

Read the comic: Caution! Now Entering: The War Zone (warning: this comic will catch you up on Antoine's story against Metal Sonic, but it contains MAJOR spoilers.)

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