A Day with Infant (Y/N) (Manic, Scourge, Mephiles)

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"I still can't believe you turned her into a little baby, Manic!!" Sonia shrieked at her brother. Currently, everyone had arrived at the Sanctuary and were trying to create a plan in headquarters. However, it seemed more like a verbal brawl was taking place.

"Chillax, sis! It's not like I meant to do this to (Y/N)," the green hedgehog argued. He motioned over to the young (Animal Type) sitting in a borrowed crib. "Besides, we've dealt with this kind of stuff before."

"We've been kids before, and we've dealt with robotic babies, but we've never been in this kind of situation before!" Sonic retaliated again. "Freedom fighters are meant to fight robots and evil overlords, not little kids!"

"Just watch over her while Sonic and I find a way to fix this," Sonia stated as she reached for the door handle.

"Yeah, yeah. I know," Manic grumbled while he watched his siblings head outside. He ran an angry hand through his rough quills and turned to face you. "What am I supposed to do? The last baby I took care of dropped fifty feet and shattered into hundreds of pieces. "

Though you couldn't exactly comprehend what he meant, you knew it wasn't a good thing to hear from your babysitter. Suddenly, you started to tear up and cry. Manic was quick to react and immediately lost his cool. He tried constantly to calm you down, whispering and reassuring you that everything would be okay. Sadly, you crying mess only turned into more and more of a despairing temper tantrum.

"What do I do? What do I do?! What do babies like to do?" The hedgehog asked himself. An idea quickly slithered into his mind and he touched his medallion. Before your eyes, his magical and powerful drum set appeared in the small house.

You stopped crying a cooed in wonder. Manic lifted you up from the crib and set you down on the floor. He quickly grabbed a vast assortment of pots and cups allowing with a metal and wooden spoon. He laid them out in front of you and allowed you to hold the spoons in your hands.

The green hedgehog made his way to his own drum set. "Babies love makin noise, right? So why don't we make some music out of the madness."

Manic started playing a calm beat on the drums, flicking his wrists across the different surfaces. After watching your boyfriend play for a little while, you gave it a go on your make-shift drum set. Your music was much more...boisterous, but your childish giggles and laughter made it sound like heaven to the hedgehog's ears.

"There ya go," Manic exclaimed. "Rock it, baby!"

As if your older and experienced mind took over, your chubby baby hands held more control and precision. You began to play a rhythm that was complex but also musical. Manic ceased his own playing in order to watch your small figure play away, surprised to watch such a young kid play so well. You played a little while longer until you ended your performance with a big finale and tossed your spoons towards Manic's cymbal. You giggled softly, reverting back to your baby brain.

"Huh? And I thought I was a prodigy," Manic muttered.

The rest of the day was spent watching musicals and listening to kid-friendly music. Manic's favorite part was watching you try to play on a kiddy xylophone. To him, you sounded better than Sonia on the piano.


"I can't believe this is happening! I can't watch over some little kid!" Scourge complained while carrying you off to who knows where. "I'm a King! Not some Babysitter!"

You weren't interested in your boyfriend's ranting. Instead, you found his red sunglasses to be very intriguing. You reached as high as you could in order to grab them from atop the green hedgehog's head. However, they were just barely out of reach. Scourge took notice and placed them down in his leather jacket pocket.

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