When They Turn Into a Sack of Potatoes and Mermaid (Hedgehogs)

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You were currently at work in the E.R. You skimmed through charts and documents about information about incoming patients until one seemed a little too familiar. The name Ogilvie Maurice the Hedgehog was at the heading, and since you knew immediately who it was, you rushed down the hall to find your sick boyfriend.

You found it slightly odd that he was required 20 gallons of water every hour or so. After all, Sonic hates water, but after seeing his predicament, you understood the need of so much H2O. The hedgehog was reading over Tails' shoulder while hovering over the edge of a large fish tank. His legs were combined into a mermaids, well merman tail, and water was being pumped in and out by large hoses. You cleared your throat to gain their attention, and Sonic's face immediately flushed white.

"So, what happened to you?" you asked as you slipped your fingers into the water.

"Uh...," the hedgehog muttered as he stayed motionless.

"Egghead decided to take away his legs to keep him from running," Tails answered while looking up from his Flicky Magazine.

You hung out with your swimming boyfriend until the doctors came with a cure. Within a few hours, he was back to normal, and you sent him home. The weird thing was, Tails came back into the hospital carrying a blue bag of potatoes. Turns out, the cure was wrong, so you had to keep your boyfriend in the E.R. for another ten hours while doctors created a cure. At least you got some time together, even though Sonic couldn't talk. His mouth was always full, and you were worried you might pull out a potato of great importance.

Shadow was scheduled to go one an underwater gun mission in a week, so they gave him a scuba suit that enabled better maneuver skills. To you, it looked like an Ariel Halloween outfit without the shell bra, but your boyfriend continued to persist that it was the finest piece of technology G.U.N. had. He practiced putting on the uniform in his room by himself while you stayed downstairs and read. You heard loud thumps and crashes from upstairs, but you were told to stay out.

Suddenly, you got a text from the dark mobain that he needed some help. You rushed up the stairs thinking it was a huge emergency, only to find that Shadow was stuck flopping around on the floor. Apparently, the suit was too small and got stuck. The two of your tried as hard as you could to get it off, but it wouldn't budge. You decided to paint legs on the tail, but that didn't help very much. You ended up calling the scientists, and they told you how to disassemble the suit step-by-step.

Soon, the mission came around, and you said goodbye for the day or you two would be separated. A G.U.N. agent was told to check up on you very few hours, but you still felt unsafe. It wasn't about the gang of villains that were after you, you felt like something bad was going to happen to Shadow. You buried the feeling in your stomach, and waved goodbye.

You were in the middle of a peaceful sleep until an agent came pounding on your front door. You had to go to see your boyfriend immediately at H.Q. When you got there, you were pulled into a medical bay filled with injured soldiers and a sack of potatoes. Wait, what?

Turns out, Shadow had touched a magical artifact that turned him into a random object. Now, he was a black and red sack of vegetables. He couldn't talk, but he would watch you with his potato eyes. Soon, the scientists found a cure using the ancient medallion, and the two of you went home early in the morning.

Your boyfriend had to start time-saving missions, and you would always find him getting into trouble. Recently, the hedgehog was sent into the past when the world was almost completely covered in ocean water. He had to save a species of some kind from extinction, and you wished him luck.

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