First Date (Hedgehogs)

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---Sonic--- You had a long day in the hospital. First, you had to see a gruesome cut on a woodcutter's forehead that required fifty stitches and seven staples. After that, you had to kill an insect from a young girl's nose and pull it out. Finally, you had to chase a stray dog around the ER after a patient left his pet in his room after he went into surgery. Overall you were beat, and sleep was calling your name. You trudged into your house at three in the afternoon, and you collapsed onto your couch and fell into a deep sleep.

You were awaken by the loud ringing of your cell phone. You grumbled as you reached for your cell, and sighed as the call went to voice mail. You didn't pick up the phone, but you listened to the message left behind. Your heart raced in panic after Sonic's voice came from your phone.

"Hey, (Y/N). I'm gonna be over at your place in a few minutes. You don't need to wear anything big or fancy; just something cute that you can walk in. See ya in a bit."

You rushed upstairs to your closet, and you pulled out your favorite outfit for the date. (You can pretty much imagine what you want.) After that, you added a little make-up to finish your appearance. You decided to spritz a bit of perfume to add in a small touch. You looked at yourself in the mirror, and you admired the job you did with your outfit.

A split-second later, you heard a knock on the door. "Coming," you shouted as you rushed down the stairs. You grabbed your purse and phone before opening the door.

Sonic stood there looking similar to his usual look. His gloves looked much more pristine, and his shoes appeared to have been shined. "Wow, you look amazing. I suppose it took you an hour or so to get ready," Sonic stated. He had no idea that you had prepared for the date in a matter of minutes.

You rolled you eyes as you locked your front door. "I'm sure it took you an eternity for shine those shoes, huh?" you joked.

"At least ten minutes, so pretty close." Sonic grasped your hand as he walked with you to Uncle Chuck's Diner.

The two of you had an amazing night of laughs and happiness. You ate delicious food at the diner, and of course, you learned about Sonic's immense love for chili dogs. After that, he took you to the Lake of Rings where you watched the adorable chao sing and play. You talked for over an hour about one another. Finally, you left the city to look at the stars above. You loved every second you spent with the heroic hedgehog. When the date came to an end, Sonic rushed you back home with you in his arms.

"Thanks for everything, Sonic, " you said as the hedgehog placed you back on the ground.

"No problem," the Blue Blur stated with a sweet smile. "I'd really like to go again sometime, hehe."

"Me too," you replied as you stepped closer to the hedgehog.

The two of you stared into each other's eyes and smiled at each other while blocking out all of your surroundings. Before anything could happen, a bright flash from a camera stunned both of you. More flashes went off as several news reporters began bombarding the two of you with questions. The paparazzi surrounded you, so your date had to leave. He gave you a quick hug as a goodbye. The next morning, your face was plastered on every magazine and newspaper in the city. Looks like your a celebrity now.

---Shadow---​​​​​​ The hedgehog kept his promise, and he took you to the G.U.N. headquarters. You wanted to know about the criminals that were attacking you. As you entered the building, you were checked for weapon, drugs, or anything that could pose a threat. Once you were cleared, you strolled in with Shadow and headed to see one of the agents.

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