Chubby Bunny Challenge (Manic, Scourge, Mephiles)

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It was a rainy day at the Sanctuary. Nothing to do but watch water race down the window in silence. It was not how you wanted to spend your weekend, but what else could you do? There were no kids to watch, you had nothing entertaining to do at home, and your boyfriend was out on a mission...or so you thought.

You jumped out of your chair as Manic busted into your home with soaking quills. He wore a huge grin on his face that quickly melted away as he ran to help you off the ground. Tossing his mission bag to the side, Manic pulled you onto the couch. He hugged you close, getting you wet in the process.

"Your soaked, dude. Your getting me wet," you stated with a few giggles.

"I'm not letting you go until I see your face," Manic replied.

"What are you talking about?" You giggled again.

"Take a guess at what I found in Robotropolis."

"Found or stole?" You asked with a smirk.

Manic rolled his eyes before answering, "Stole, but that's not the point."

You watched your boyfriend grab his mission bag and pull out something from inside. With a "Ta da," your boyfriend showed you a clear bag of large marshmallows. You eyes widened as you grabbed the bag of snacks delicately. Ever since Robotnik's take over, the small, simple pleasures meant the most. You hadn't had a marshmallow in months, maybe years.

You quickly held Manic in a hug (even if he was soaked) before saying, "Your the greatest."

"Yeah, I know," Manic replied as he hugged you back. "Now, how about we play a game with these."

After setting up the supplies and teaching you the rules, you begin your game, Chubby Bunny. You never played the game, and you would much rather prefer to roast the marshmallows on an open fire, but with the weather outside, you couldn't do that right now. As long as you saved some marshmallows for eating, you were satisfied.

You actually began to enjoy the game. It made you laugh as Manic had trouble with his words. He even tried singing, but he almost choked. It was still worth it as you became giggly and filled with laughs. The two of you continued to play until you the two of you ran out of room in your cheeks. You lost, but only by one, seven to eight. After your game , the two of you decided to eat some of the delicious treats while remembering the good days.


You thought it would be nice to get away from the constant reminders of the police chasing and the Blue Blur. The two of you had been through a lot of stress and pressure the last few days. You almost never had any time for yourselves. So, using one of your colorful wigs and outfits as a disguise, you bought some plastic cups and marshmallows along with your usual groceries.

You sat in the back seat of your "borrowed" with your boyfriend. He watched you open a hole in the marshmallow bag and place two Red Solo Cups between you. Scourge looked at you with confusion, as if you had perhaps gone insane. You rolled your eyes as you popped a puffy marshmallow into your mouth. Your boyfriend did the same, but you made sure he only ate one.

Picking up one of the cups, your boyfriend gives you a smirk before saying, "I think these are supposed to be filled with a certain drink, babe. Maybe you should pick some up first, haha."

"I don't drink, you know that," you replied. Scourge shrugged at your answer. "We're using them for a game. I did it once with some friends."

Scourge have you another questioning look. You began explaining the rules of the game to him. At first, your boyfriend was skeptical and didn't seem to see the point of the game. Of course, you used your wit and charm (lots of persistent begging) and you finally got him to change his mind about the game. Scourge placed a marshmallow in his mouth and gritted out a "Chubby Bunny." You smirked at your successful persuading before placing a fluffy treat through your own lips.

You were surprised your were doing so well. Scourge started struggling to speak while you chattered away with easy. Finally, Scourge couldn't take much more and he spat out the sugar substance into the Red Solo Cup. You giggled as you stuff your cheeks even more. Finally, after another four marshmallows laid on your tongue you spat out what was in your mouth. You won by a landslide, six to ten!!! Of course, the victory was bittersweet.

"Wow, good job, babe," Scourge began as he leaned in, "but there's marshmallow in your teeth."

​​​​​​ "In that case, can you hand me a toothpick?" You asked innocently.

Your boyfriend rolled his eyes before leaning toward your lips, and--(DONE!!!!)

You wanted to play the game soooooooooooooooo badly. Of course, you knew it would be a bad idea to play it alone; what if you choked? Your parents were always busy and your friends didn't want to play a "childish" game. Who else was there to ask? Well, you could always ask your loveable demon boyfriend, but you said already knew what he would say. No

How did you know this? It was just an assumption, but there was one main reason: he didn't had a mouth. What fun would it be if he couldn't stuff the sugary treats in your mouth? You wanted to play something that dealt with the marshmallow treats since you already bought them (and you wanted an excuse to eat them.) So, after deciding to watch a movie to help ease your brainstorming mind, you finally had a brilliant idea!! Of course, you would need a lot more marshmallows. Now, you were at the old castle with your boyfriend. Goopy and sticky marshmallow stuck to your fingers and fur. Mephiles just watched you create... something. Soon, curiosity got the best of him.

"(Y/N), what on Mobius are you doing?" Your boyfriend asked.

"Ya ever seen Ghostbusters?" you asked him.

"I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a thing, no."

"Well, in the movie, there's this marshmallow man, and--"

"--You plan on recreating the figure?" yout boyfriend finished. You nodded your head and continued to work on your sculpture.

It wasn't looking so good. It was very hard to mold with melted marshmallow, especially since you we're making the Marshmallow Man almost as tall as you. Your heard your boyfriend sigh before he summoned a common, black smoke around your masterpiece. You back away in a fit of coughs as you wait for the fog to disperse. You watch your boyfriend analyze the reference image you brought as a guide to help him build. After a few moments, the fog disappeared, leaving a beautiful, perfect copy of the famous Marshmallow Man.

You hugged your boyfriend in gratitude. He hesitated before hugging you back. Grabbing a leftover bag of marshmallows, you looked at the cheerful face on the sculpture and ate the delicious junk food. Too bad it was a spawn from an evil devil sent to destroy the world. Your boyfriend picked out a fluffy white treat from the clear bag and squished it in his fingers.

"It surprises me what passes as edible and safe for consumption in your time," you boyfriend stated, making you chuckle and laugh hysterically all over the floor.

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