First Kiss (Manic, Scourge, Mephiles)

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I'm back!!! Finally, summer is here!! I have a pretty hectic schedule for the offseason. I'll be doing some traveling and a bit of extra learning, but I should be able to begin writing again. I have also begun writing a few other stories in my spare time, so stay tuned. Otherwise, that's all I need to say for now. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!


A drum solo was echoing throughout the entire Sanctuary one late afternoon. Many would believe Manic to be behind the trap set, but he was only listening to the real performer. You sat behind the drums, creating your own rhythms and song. Your boyfriend was giving you extra lessons, just in case you needed to be his substitute for another concert. To you, it was simply fun! Manic's drum set was not just a weapon, but also one of the highest grade trap sets you've ever played on. There weren't many left since Robotnik's take over.

You ended your song with a quick strike on the cymbals. You wiped the loose strands of hair out of your face and looked up to your boyfriend. "Soooo?" you asked with a grin. You placed your drumsticks in your back pocket."How did I do?"

Manic stood from off the couch, twirling his drumsticks in his hands. "Um, don't take it the wrong way, but have you played in a while?"

You released a small, embarrassed chuckle. You rubbed the back of your neck as you spoke, "I haven't had as much time since I took up babysitting the kids here. Was it that obvious?"

The hedgehog touched his pendant, causing the trap set to vanish in a blinding light. He softly reached for your hands, leading you back over to the couch. "Nah, babe. You've just recently, ya know?"

"Yeah," you sighed. You stared down at the ground, finding interest in the floorboards of Manic's room.

When you looked back up, Manic quickly pulled you into a secure hug. You slowly maneuvered your hands over his shoulders and around his neck. You felt Manic snake his arms around your torso, pulling you closer to his chest. His thumb began tracing small circles on your back, soothing you. He slowly leaned back on the couch, having him lay on the soft cushions with your body on top of his. He slowly hummed a peaceful melody into your ear and moved his hands up to brush your hair with his fingers.

You took this as a chance to speak. "I guess I've just been worried. I'm constantly thinking about what could happen in the future. Maybe I'm just stressed."

"Don't worry about it too much, babe," Manic rebutted. He continued to stroke your hair. "Once my siblings and I find our mom, everything going to change."

"That's what I'm afraid of," you muttered softly into his chest. You began to play with the drum pendant that hung from your boyfriend's neck. "When this war's over, you're going to be living in a huge castle surrounded by loving subjects and a fancy garden. You're a prince, Manic! You'll be so high above me, and I can't help but think about what's going to happen to us."

"(Y/N)," Manic began. He didn't know how to react or what to say. Instead, he did something he had wanted to do for a while.

The green hedgehog lifted your chin, and seize your lips on his. It completely took your breath away, stealing your negative thoughts from your mind. As you laid on top of him, you felt his heart pick up speed. You slowly began to kiss back, turning your head to deepen the kiss. Manic's hands ran through your hair more intensely, almost becoming tangled in your locks.

The green hedgehog pulled away slowly and spoke, "I might have royal blood, but that's not who I want to be. I want to be the guy who gets to hold you."

You giggled softly at his words. "You always know what to say, huh?"

"You make it easy," the hedgehog replied as he pulled you in for another, longer kiss.

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