First Kiss (Sonic, Shadow, Silver

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I'm back!!! Finally, summer is here!! I have a pretty hectic schedule for the offseason. I'll be doing some traveling and a bit of extra learning, but I should be able to begin writing again. I have also begun writing a few other stories in my spare time, so stay tuned. Otherwise, that's all I need to say for now. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!


"Hey, you've reached Sonic the Hedgehog. I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can, which won't take very long," You sighed a heavy breath as you listened to the answering machine beep once again.

"Hey, Sonic. It's (Y/N). I just wanted to know if you're okay. No ones heard from you in a while and..." you trailed off, looking at the candid picture of you and your boyfriend that sat on your bedside table. "Just call me, please."

You ended the call and dropped the phone onto the ground. You brushed through your hair with stressful, shaking hands. It was the middle of the night, but you couldn't sleep knowing that Sonic was M.I.A. It was roughly four days ago when a freedom fighter mission turned for the worse. Several members were injured and rushed home. Sonic, however, remained missing. Horrific fantasies trampled what little hope you had. Your optimism faded as time moved forward.

You rubbed the temples of your head, holding tears at bay. "Oh for the love of Chaos, bring him back," you muttered under your breath.

You glanced at the image once more. Two smiling faces were shown, neither one having a care in the world. It seemed so far away now. You couldn't look at it; you turned the image to face the wall and away from your sight. You exhaled deeply, trying to calm your heart. It would be best to get some sleep, or at least try to. You had to work in the morning.

You enveloped your body in the fluffy comforter and laid your head on the plush pillow. However, you felt nothing but heavy emotions. Your eyelids slammed shut, and you forced your mind to draw a blank. The next hour consisted of tossing and turning with your bed sheets flying in all directions. Soon, you gave in and sat up on your mattress. With cold feet, you walked over to a window and allowed the peaceful air to slip inside. Your loose bedhead blew back behind you, and your cheeks began to dry from watery tears. You just wanted to listen to the night, hearing crickets chirp and leaves rustle.

The atmosphere changed when you heard heavy footsteps trudge downstairs. It sounded like dragging feet along your wooden flooring. Suddenly, there was a loud thud that echoed throughout the house. You grabbed your phone from off the ground. It shined a bright light that illuminated your surroundings as you tiptoed down the staircase. When you reached the living room, you heard quiet groaning, almost as if someone was in pain. You circled around your couch to the source and dropped your phone in shock and horror.

"Oh, Chaos, Sonic!" you exclaimed kneeling down to his collapsed form. He was covered in bruises with dried blood sticking in his fur. He was barely able to keep his eyelids open, allowing you to see his tired green emerald eyes.

"Honey, I'm home," your boyfriend whispered with a smile. He was trying to be light in a scary situation. You loved him for it, but it wasn't a good time.

"What were you thinking?" you asked as you wrapped one of his arms around your neck and lifted him off the floor. You delicately laid him on the couch. "You should've gone to a hospital."

"I don't like hospitals," Sonic answered quietly. He was growing more and more weary with every passing second. "They make me feel claustrophobic."

"How on Mobius did you get here?" you questioned as you examined his injuries. You pulled his shoes off his feet, noticing they were caked in dirt and mud. "You went missing in a completely different hemisphere."

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