When You Hang Out (Tails, Knuckles, Mighty, Espio)

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---Tails---          You and the young fox were sitting on the edge of the cliff. You watches the bright sun rise from the horizon, and you listened to the cute flickers whistle their beautiful melodies. You loved the early morning, but your fox friend had a different opinion. You had called him before the first light of day had arrived, and he was about to collapse from exhaustion. It was probably because he had secretly been working on some new inventions to impress you.

          You sighed at the incredible sight in front of you. "Thanks for coming, Tails," you said as you turned to your tired friend. "It's way more fun to watch the sunrise with a friend."

           "Yeah," the genius began, but he was stopped by a yawn. "No problem, (Y/N)."

          Tails would leave for missions all the time, and you would often find yourself bored and lonely. Your other friends didn't make you smile like the young fox did. The freedom fighter would make you feel something different, but you didn't understand how the feelings you had.

           Right now, your male friend needed a jump-start. There was only one thing you could do to get his blood flowing.

           "Tails, do you think I could see your inventions. They are super cool!!" You exclaimed.

            Your fox friend opened his eyes in surprise, and before you could blink, you were being pulled to Tails' workshop. He grabbed your wrists and flew you above the city. The people below looked like small ants, and you chuckled at the citizens of Mobotropolis. After a little while in the sky, you were lowered to the ground, and Tails opened the door to his lab.

            Dozens of gadgets and gizmos lined the walls. Small screwdrivers and bolts rested on the tables in the laboratory. You were amazed by how much effort the young fox out into his robotic creations. You preferred the outdoors, but these inventions were pretty spectacular as well.

           Tails went to an assortment of his creations and started telling you about his ideas and plans for them. Apparently, the genius had been planning a bunch of ways to help with your animal studies. This surprised you, and you couldn't help but hug the sweet boy.

           "Um, (Y/N), " the fox began, "It's not that big of a deal."

           "But you are the sweetest guy I have ever met!!" You exclaimed as you carefully examined one of his creations. "You made this machine to help those wounded raccoons by the oak tree. "

           "Well, you seemed really upset about it, so I wanted to help."

           You hugged the two-tailed hero once again. You spent the rest of the day learning from Tails about his inventions. He told you stories about when he was younger, and he would join Sonic in saving small birds, rabbits, and pigs. This only made you love your friend even more.


        You were busy connecting wires to the Master Emerald. You had been conducting research as Relic's intern for a few days now, and you we're pretty tired of working day after day. You placed the last sensor on the green jewel and began reading the energy waves.

       "Hey, (Y/N). What are ya doing with the Master Emerald?" an angry Knuckles asked as he walked up the stairs to the top of the shrine.

       "Um, doing my job," you answered without giving the echidna a glance.

       "Well, I don't like the decorations. Take them off before something happens."

       "You agreed to the testing, and I am only doing what I'm told. You're not the boss of me," you argued.

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