Chubby Bunny Challenge (Tails, Knuckles, Mighty)

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After watching his adoptive brother, Sonic, perform the Chubby Bunny Challenge, Tails was thrilled to try it out with you. You weren't quite sure how you felt about the challenge, but you decided to try it for him. He continued to tell how it was fun, hilarious, and an overall good time. So, you met your boyfriend in your regular spot it in the forest with a couple bags of peep marshmallows, some paper towels, and some cups.

You sat on a log, feeding small pieces of marshmallow bits to the cute woodland critters. They devoured the treats like it was the greatest thing they ever had. You giggled at their cute faces as they nibbled on the food in delight. Finally, you saw a figure hover over the horizon and kindly wave at you. You waved back with a large grin as Tails landed beside you.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Tails said with a sweet smile that would soon be filled with marshmallow goodness. "Are ya ready to play?"

"I think so," you replied as you showed him the supplies you brought.

Thus, the two of you began your game. You really enjoyed the humor of the game as you listened to your boyfriend's mixed and mumbles words. You were actually doing pretty good at the game; you actually thought you had a chance at winning. Some the the little animal critters began to play along as well. They shoved the very large marshmallows in their cheeks and beaks and tried to make noises, but to no prevail. It only made the two of you laugh even more.

Finally, the marshmallows coated with sugar began to take their toll. You could feel the peeps rotting your teeth with every second that passed. You spat out the contents in your mouth; five yellow peep bunnies. You didn't think it was too bad. You watched as your boyfriend tried shoving another peep in his mouth and try to speak. His words were mumbled, making you giggle and laugh. After a couple more marshmallows were shoved in his mouth, Tails had to stop playing. He got seven in his mouth, and he was proud of himself for doing so well. The rest of the day as spent by feeding the extra marshmallow treats to the woodland creatures since neither of you wanted to eat another bite of the super sweet, sticky desserts.

---Knuckles--- Boredom was something you faced daily on Angel Island. Knuckles would often resort to dreamland to escape the lethal feeling, but today was going to be different. You wanted to bond with your BF, so you decided to have a fun little competition with him. If there was anything Knuckles couldn't ignore, it was the Master Emerald and a good game to prove his "awesomeness." With marshmallows, cups, and paper towels in your arms, you began your steep climb to the top of the shrine.

You finally reached the top, forehead layered in sweat due to the humid afternoon atmosphere. Knuckles rested with his head against his precious jewel (besides you, hehe.) After a few more seconds to stop panting, you marched up to the echidna. He looked cute as he slept; a small smile dancing on his muzzle and light snores emitted from his throat. Too bad it didn't last long. You dropped your luggage on top of the guardian's head, waking him from his sleep. Boy, was he ticked.

"What the heck, (Y/N)!!" your boyfriend growled. "I was enjoying my daily nap!!"

"I'm bored," you whined. "Can we play a game? Please?!"

Knuckles looked at you, and then down at the supplies. With an face showing pure confusion, he asked, "What kind of game are you thinking of?"

After explaining the rules and objective, you began your competition. You guys even made the game a little more "interesting" by adding bets. If you lost, your boyfriend was going to dye your hair red and give you dreadlocks for a day. If you won, however, your boyfriend had to come with you to shop at the mall with Amy Rose. After stating your bargain, it was pretty obvious that the echidna didn't want to lose. He hated shopping.

Knuckles was off to a great start. You suspected that his mouth had grown larger due to all the yelling and complaining he does. Either way, you weren't going to let him win so easily. Tossing a marshmallow in the back of your mouth, you smirk at the echidna. He smirked back before shoving two marshmallows into his cheeks. You copied his motion without a problem. Thus, the intense game was underway.

You were forced to spit out the marshmallows with six in your cheeks. Your boyfriend released a muffled chuckle as he tried shoving a marshmallow into his mouth. This would be his seventh, if he could get it in. You were silently praying that he would fail, and for some reason, a miracle was blessed to you. Your boyfriend couldn't handle seven marshmallows in his jaws, and he spat them out before saying, "Chubby Bunny." Meaning...
you tied.
Instead of excepting each other as winners, you decided to follow through the bets together. You took your boyfriend to the mall to meet Amy. Let's just say she was "surprised" by your new do.
At first, it started off as a nice and calming night of roasting marshmallows on an open fire. You brought supplies for s'mores, and you cooked the camping desserts over the crackling flames. Mighty sat beside you on a log, his arm slung over your shoulders as you held your marshmallow over the heat. Ray and Moss sat across from you on the other side of the camp fire. You snacked on a delicious treat while Moss finished one of his fables.

With his story finished, Moss stood up and stretched. "Well, it is late, and I believe it is time to rest from the events of today."

He walked into the cabin after waving goodnight to everyone. You packed up the leftover s'more supplies while Mighty and Ray put out the fire. Just as you were rolling up the marshmallows, a quick hand snatched them from your grasp.

"Score!!" Mighty exclaimed as he shoved some marshmallows into his mouth.

You stared in awe, drawing Ray's attention. "Mighty loves marshmallows," Ray stated. "I've seen the guy swallow three of those things whole one time."

You smirked at your boyfriend. "Really?! Then maybe we should play a game before heading in."

You taught the boys about the Chubby Bunny Challenge. Mighty seemed eager to play, feeling destined to win. Ray, however, decided to stay out of it. He stole a few marshmallows before heading into the house, leaving you and your boyfriend to play together.

Mighty started you guys off by shoving three marshmallows in his mouth with a happy grin on his mouth. After saying a mumbled "Chubby Bunny," you followed suit. It was pretty easy and fun. The two of you laughed as you shoved food in your mouths without a care in the world. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

The two of you were tied, seven to seven. Your boyfriend reached into the plastic bag, only to find it empty. The two of you we're forced to call it a night at a tie. You were about to head in...until Mighty decided to use the rest of the chocolate instead of marshmallows. The night carried on, and the s'more supplies had disappeared along with your sweet tooth.

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