How They Turn Into Babies (Espio & Antoine)

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---Espio--- "Give that to me, Charmy!!" Vector commanded as he tried prying the bee's fingers off a small vial of liquid.

"But, it looks so tasty!!" the child whined as he tried pulling away from the large reptile.

Espio, Vector, and Charmy were sent put on a case to find some of Dr. Eggman's files. First, they had to FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM!! Afterwards, they began their search, only to find multiple chemicals and mysterious liquids in a small safe. Charmy, being the hyper bee he is, almost tried to drink the hazardous substance. Of course, Vector tackled the kid to grab the dangerous liquid. Espio decided to keep to himself, after all, they still had to find the papers.

Finally, the green mobian pulled the open vial out of Charmy's grasp. He immediately began dancing in victory next to your boyfriend, making the liquid splatter and pour on the chameleon.

"You should be very careful with this stuff, Charmy," Vector stated as he continued to drench the with the chemicals.

Your boyfriend began to change in size. The crocodile kept his back to the transforming mobian while Charmy couldn't believe what he was seeing. The bee tried to get Vector's attention, but by the time the green leader turned around, Espio was a mere infant.

You were forced to go on babysitting duty while you waited for the other two to find a cure. It wasn't that bad, Espio was pretty quiet as a child. Of course, you made the big mistake of showing him peek-a-boo. He would appear out of nowhere!!!

You had just gotten back from your art tour to learn that Antoine had gone on a special mission with Sonic to one of Dr. Robotnik's abandoned labs. They wanted to uncover some of the Doctor's old weapons and gadgets as well as try to find a way to de-robotocise their family. Were you worried, definitely. Of course, you knew Antoine could handle whatever was thrown at him, but you still had a feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was wrong.

"Yo, Ant, Catch!!" Sonic exclaimed as he tossed a old ray gun at the coyote.

Antoine held the device next to his chest before saying, "You must be ze careful. We can not mess up zis mission."

"Relax, Antoine. This place has been empty for months, maybe years," Sonic retorted. "Woah, I haven't seen this thing in years. "

The hedgehog pulled out a large, French Horn shaped device. Antoine was surprised the hedgehog could hold such a large device. He had no clue what it was for, but he had a feeling in the pit of his stomach. (It is from this episode: It's one of my favorite episodes; Tails is adorable.)

"Sonic, I believe we should be careful with zat. We do not know if it still functions," Antoine warned as he set the ray gun on the floor.

"Don't worry, Ant. I doubt it works," Sonic replied.

The hedgehog tossed the device to Antoine. Since the coyote was unprepared for the machine, he fumbled to catch it. His finger accidentally pressed a button on the device, and with the gun pointed at him, he was transformed into a baby. Originally, Sonic was going to take care of the child as punishment, but you didn't trust the hedgehog. Instead, you took care of your boyfriend while Sonic was in charge of finding a cure. Until he found a way to reverse the effects, he couldn't have any chili dogs. Antoine wasn't an infant for very long.

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