Your Day With Your Baby Boyfriend (Knuckles, Tails, and Mighty)

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With your boyfriend looking like an angry infant and your limbs being unable to move, you slowly trudged to your baby boyfriend and laid down next to him. You felt so tired after the Chaos Emerald used your energy to perform the impossible. You closed your eyes and felt the sun warm your body with its gentle rays. Just as you began falling asleep, baby Knuckles pounded a strong fist into your gut. The pain was indescribable, and you swore the infant broke one of your ribs. You shot up in a sitting position with wide eyes. Anger boiled in your wounded body as you turned to the innocent-looking child. He gave you a small "coo" with wide, cute eyes, but you could see the ruse. So, what did you do to the troublesome toddler?

You put the baby on a tree branch, dangling by his diaper. He would rotate in the wind with his arms crossed and a ticked scowl on his muzzle. You only shrugged your shoulders before laying in the grass below the child. Finally, you could rest in piece. Who knows? Maybe after your nap, you would turn your boyfriend back to normal with the little strength you regained. You closed your eyes and began to sink into sleep. Just you you were about to fall into dreamland, you felt something wet fall on your face. You opened your eyes to see Knuckles purposely dripping spit onto your face from above. You were about ready to kick the infant off the floating island, but you didn't want to be sued for murder and or child abuse.


Well, you couldn't take the baby fox back to Sonic, the hedgehog would flip out. Obviously, you weren't going to leave the infant outside in the cold autumn atmosphere, so you did the only thing a concerned girlfriend would do in this situation; you took the baby home. You knew Tails would be easy to take care of, so you took the baby fox into your humble abode. You decided to take Tails back to his home and look for a cure in the morning, after all, it was almost midnight (and baby Tails is beyond adorable.) You used pillows to create a make-shift crib in your room, and you went to sleep. While you slept, the small infant was wide-eyed and bored. This created a special surprise for you when you awoke.

You noticed the small fox wasn't in his crib when you awoke that morning. You feared the worst and hopped out of bed in fear. You ran throughout the entire house until you finally found the baby in our living room. You found a solved, 100 piece puzzle solved on the wooden floor as well as several toys and stuffed animals that used to reside in your attic. How on Mobius did the infant manage to pull the trap door and find the toys? Tails was sitting on the couch, sipping a juice box he got from your fridge as he watched Teletubbies (....ew!!!) on a T.V. made of simple paper clips. You couldn't believe that your baby boyfriend did all that in a single night.

You discovered that the baby fox, though at such a young age, was able to use his tails to fly around the house. When you turned to fox back to his proper age, you had him help clean up his mess. Weird thing was, he didn't remember a thing about the accident.


"Mighty!!! Put that down, now!!!" you shrieked.

The small baby continued to disobey and smash the giant tree on the ground like large hammer. You decided to play Hide-and-seek. You left the toddler to hide behind a tree, and when the armadillo found you, he uprooted the entire plant. For a young child, Mighty sure had a lot of strength in his tiny arms. You didn't want to get smacked into the ground, so you were forced to keep your distance. You tried calling to the baby over and over again, but he was simply too young to understand.

Mighty smiled your way, and you carefully said, "Let go, sweetie."

The baby stared at you with the tree directly above his head. He finally understood, and he tossed the plant at least five stories above him. You reacted quickly, and you grabbed the child right before the obstruction came crashing down. Mighty giggled in your arms and clapped his hands in delight. You placed the baby on the ground and shook your head in disapproval.

"That was very naughty, sweetie. You need to be more careful," you said as you pointed a finger at the child.

Mighty grabbed your finger with his brute strength. You heard a crack in your bones before you were tossed over the armadillo's head and onto the other side of him. Your finger was definitely broken, and you back was in so much pain. You knew he didn't mean to, but when your boyfriend was back to normal, he continued to feel guilty about you being bedridden.

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