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taehyung focus
"dude, you're falling asleep again." namjoon hissed, kicking taehyung's chair leg until he slowly lifts his head up from off the desk, groaning quietly.

"whatever. jin hyung's hiding me away from so mr. choi can't tell me off." taehyung mumbles, resting his head against the table again with a yawn escaping his mouth.

"are you calling me fat?" jin grunts over his shoulder, glaring at taehyung's form. the said boy laughs out a quiet "no" before closing his tired, tired, tired eyes. though his body is physically weakened due to lack of sleep, taehyung's brain is anything but weakened, working doubly to prevent him from falling asleep. so he sighs, the pages of his maths textbook rising and falling lightly with each of his outward breaths.

opening his eyes, he's met with the sight of a boy across the room, furiously flipping through the pages of his own maths textbooks and causing taehyung to frown to himself because who gets that excited to read a maths textbook?

that's when taehyung notices a half naked girl on one of the pages being flipped.

taehyung lifts his head off the table a few inches, his eyes widened. he glances at the boy but he doesn't seem to find a name for him, but then again, this wasn't a surprised — taehyung didn't really bother to interact in class.

he's looking at porn behind a maths book? taehyung thinks, bewildered. how's he managing to deal with his boner?? what the hell?? oh my god, is he gonna do it in here? taehyung gasps inaudibly and looks at the students sitting nearby — none of them seemed to have noticed the boy or his enthusiasm to do 'maths'; they were all hunched over in their seats, scrawling down formulas and equations.

oh my god, what the fuck is wrong with this kid, taehyung thinks, aghast. his eyes pick out the boy again when he lifts his hand up, causing mr choi to look in his direction.

"yes jeongguk?"
jungkook huh?

"can i go to the toilets sir?" jeongguk asks politely. mr choi nods his head in reply, seemingly oblivious to the tent in the boy's pants.

taehyung watches as jeongguk grabs his sweatshirt, the jumper discreetly hiding the front of his trousers.
oh my fucking god. taehyung chuckles quietly at the young boy, shaking his head slightly with amusement.

his amusement soon falters when seconds later he finds himself needing to go to the toilet — meaning, he'd have to go to the bathroom, meaning he had to walk in on the boy jacking himself off.


he hates himself for drinking so many strawberry flavoured mills today.

five minutes pass and jeongguk had not reappeared.

shit shit shit.

"s-sir? can i go to the toilet?" taehyung asks finally, a pained expression on his facials denoting how desperately he needed to go to the toilet. the teacher, signing, nods and returns back to writing on the whiteboard.

taehyung bolts out of the door and down the corridor, heading towards the bathroom door hastily. he runs in and towards the urinal, peeing quickly before he could hear any groans or any other sounds from a certain boy.

finished, he moves fast towards to the sinks, praying he wouldn't have to listen to anything disturbing.

his back turns rigid when a cubicle opens with a soft click and the flush of toilet sounds. a pair of hands appear on the left of taehyung, reaching for the taps, and discreetly looking up, taehyung realises that porn magazine boy was standing right fucking next to him.

"um hi?" jeongguk murmurs when he finds taehyung staring at him, nose crinkled slightly with disgust.

"why on earth do you look at porn during maths class??" taehyung blurts our without thinking.

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