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taehyung focus
taehyung fiddles as the last of the students walk tiredly to their tents, eyes half lidded.
he had long gone changed into his pj's, the tall boy finding it slightly difficult to change in the tent.

namjoon had come up to him a few minute ago, smirking, "sorry tae, but im gonna be sleeping with hye jin tonight. if ya get me." namjoon winks.

he leans back into his too small sleeping bag and wraps the padded material around him closer.

protection. blankets will help me block it out, taehyung assures himself. he remembers blocking out the screams by pressing several blankets against his ears to muffle the sounds,

"useless bitch."
"waste of my damn money, you are."

he breathes slowly, out from his mouth and in from his nose. don't panic, don't panic.

jungkook. jungkook, please come. oh dear god, this was a terrible terrible idea, taehyung thinks, breathing hard now.

taehyung's eyes flit towards dark corners in the tent, the tent walls looming over him. his eyes flutter, needing sleep, but taehyung rejects the offer. no way would he let himself fall asleep, it'd be like fully opening the gates for his nightmares to invade and wreak havoc in his mind.

jungkook focus
surprisingly jimin fell asleep quickly, the huge sleeping bag swallowing the orange haired boy whole.

jungkook pushes his fringe out of the way and unzips the tent, shivering at the breeze on his skin. he slips his boots on to his feet and steps out of his tent, quickly zipping it back up so jimin wouldn't get cold. he struggles to keep his rolled sleeping bag in his arms and freaks out that he'd trip over a prong whilst wrestling with the damn thing.

he squints his eyes, trying to make out shapes in the darkness.
where was taehyung's tent again?

jungkook wanders past tents carefully, not wanting to startle other students and the teachers. he wasn't surprised to hear whispers and giggles escaping from the green prisms. no one would go to bed at 9 on the dot.

jungkook finally stops at what he thought was taehyung's tent and prayed to god that it wasn't a random girls tent. he unzips the tent and peers inside to see a huddled figure by himself.


jungkook quickly clambers in and closes off the outside world by zipping themselves in. jungkook crawls over to taehyung and pats the sleeping bag.

"taehyung, im here." jungkook whispers. taehyung unfurls himself slightly and turns his head to see jungkook with teary eyes. jungkook smiles, hoping it looked reassuring, and unrolls his own sleeping bag.

"it's okay, don't cry." jungkook mumbles, shuffling his body into his sleeping bag.

"go to sleep, im here now." jungkook wiggles his sleeping bag closer to taehyung's and gave the older a half smile.

"oh. o-okay." taehyung breathes and tucks his chin into the sleeping bag.

the two don't sleep immediately, instead they stare at each other. jungkook burning red with awkwardness but taehyung just examines the boy with a barely visible smile. he was lucky to have someone to herd the nightmares away and lock them shut for him. taehyung felt a pang of adoration filling his chest for the younger.

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