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taehyung focus
the next day, taehyung felt like remembering.

some days, he just wanted to go back to some of the good memories he had and relive them again - just once more. it would definitely be more better than studying for finals.
so here he was, in his living room, reliving those very memories.

taehyung felt nostalgic as he stared at the photographs adorning his living room wall. his mom insisted on putting up all his photos up; from baby taehyung all the way to his present self. his eyes raked over the photographs, a certain frame catching his eye.

it's a picture of taehyung and a boy grinning; taehyung baring his braces and the boy throwing his head back to laugh loudly. taehyung smiles at the photo and sidles over to bookcase where a special book lived.

he runs a finger over the navy coloured book spine before pulling it out. he glances at the cover: star gazing 101, it read. he opens the book to the title page and reads the messy handwriting scrawled there.

"hoseok." he breathes, after reading the little message.

he pauses momentarily, then tucks the book under his arm and walks out of the room, heading towards the back garden.

let's star gaze again, hoseok, he tells himself.


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