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taehyung focus
the two get off the bus after an extremely uncomfortable hour ride; taehyung's happiness dampening  slightly and jungkook growing stiflingly hot in his hoodie.

the boys walk for a few minutes, again in silence. the walk into the college and taehyung's mouth opens in wonder.

this huge building is going to be where ill study?? woah, it looks so cool.

taehyung walks on ahead without thinking, his brown eyes taking in every detail of the green grass and the different blocks surrounding them. he spots a group of students and their parents lining up beside a banner reading "welcome new students!" and "college tour".

he hurries over, completely unaware if jungkook was following or not. he was just too full of excitement, his eyes flitting over the grinning white toothed teachers talking to parents.

the rest of the day involves taehyung listening intently as the tour guides burbles on about the college, partly because he was truly interested in getting to know his new college and partly to avoid jungkook. the younger seems to do the same, wandering after taehyung awkwardly.

mrs park, the deputy head, beams at the new students once she finishes guiding them throughout the large school.

"well! that's songyeondan college for you guys, i hope you enjoyed this tour! make sure to visit our campus cafe to try out the insanely good cakes! if you have any questions, please come to the front and ask away!" she babbles happily, smiling at all the faces in front of her.

"jungkook? wanna try out the cak-" taehyung starts, excited to try out the cakes. he stops though, when jungkook stares at him and taehyung's reminded of the bus incident once again.

"uh." taehyung blushes.

"um, let's go get some cake." jungkook mumbles hurriedly. taehyung nods and the two walk over quickly to the group of parents and students heading for the campus cafe. they don't talk at all on the short walk to the cafe.

the cafe's a fairly large building, enough to seat at least half of the college. the smell of coffee entices taehyung, the boy following the aroma towards the counter. he studies the choices of cakes displayed on the walls in pictures, pretty cakes catching his attention. there weren't only cakes; different kinds of loaves/bread, flavoured drinks, warm beverages and a small selection of sandwiches. taehyung loved it all.

"hi! can i have the coffee cafe? oh, and also the strawberry cream one! ah - that green one looks good as well! can i have those three?" taehyung asks, placing his order to the smiling man behind the counter. he swears he could've heard someone -jungkook maybe?- chuckle behind him but taehyung ignores it and focuses on paying for his delicious looking cakes.

"i just want juice thanks." jungkook states and leans over taehyung to pass money, startling taehyung in the process. taehyung quickly sidesteps out of the way so jungkook could receive his juice and change.

"let's go sit over by the window." jungkook says quietly, his voice surprisingly low. taehyung follows jungkook with his head lowered.

they sit by the window, the sun streaming in and lighting up their faces. taehyung basks in the sunlight happily, his fork digging into the coffee cake.

"do you have a sweet tooth or something?"

"yeah, i love sweet things. i used to love eating desserts made by my grandma - especially the strawberry cake. she used to make it using strawberries from the garden and oh my god - they were heavenly." taehyung rambles, spooning dark coloured cake into his open mouth.

"oh yeah?"

"yeah!" taehyung smiles, his cheeks bulging with cake. jungkook chuckles at the older as he opens his apple juice and drinks from it.

taehyung smiles to himself, thank god, it seems like he's gotten past the kiss.

this is nice, though - it's like a little date or something. taehyung feels a wave of bubbly happiness shrouding him when the thought slid into his mind.

"what do you think about the college?" taehyung asks, scooping more cake pieces into his mouth.

"looks nice, especially the art block. the girls here are 10/10 though." jungkook adds, grinning. taehyung's smile dims a little but he nods.

"oh, there's a couple of girls coming over right now. holy shit." jungkook whispers, leaning in closer to tell taehyung. taehyung blinks, cheeks full.
he looks over his shoulder to see a pair of girls swaying their hips towards them.

"hi! mind if we sit with you guys? it's a little crowded." the girls giggle. taehyung looks past them and sure enough, the touring students and parents had taken up all the tables.

jungkook coughs and nods, pulling out a chair for the girl near him to sit.

"you guys going to college here?" one of the girls asks. taehyung grudgingly admits that the girls are pretty, their hair straightened nicely and lips glossed with layers of cosmetics; taehyung spots jungkook's eyes wavering on their lips several times.

"taehyung is, im going somewhere else."

"taehyung? that's a nice name! my names soo yeon and this is ji su!" taehyung smiles.

"and what about you?"

"im jungkook."

"so what college are you going to?"

"busan's college business and computing. that'll be fun." jungkook says dryly, the girls giggling.

soo yeon and ji su continues to chatter with jungkook, who sits laid back against the plastic chair whilst the two girls flick their hair multiple times. taehyung rolls his eyes inwardly and stays silent, enjoying his cake by himself. he nods or shakes his head sometimes whenever ji su tried to talk to him, not saying much.
he feels bad for being so anti-social. but he just couldn't help being bitter: he was glad that jungkook had forgotten about the kiss momentarily but now it's seems like he had forgotten completely about taehyung's presence himself.

sleeping arrangements.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora