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jungkook focus
after that one grope at night, jungkook's mind was plagued. everything he thought about, always veered on to the topic of taehyung and his soft skin.

he wondered how taehyung kept his legs so soft. he wondered about how taehyung's ass felt under his fingertips. he wondered if taehyung would let him touch him again.

probably not.

jungkook sighs and leans back in his spinny chair by his desk. he closes his eyes and thinks about sleeping for a few minutes.

taehyung's butt.

jungkook groans and lifts his head up.

am i gay now? no, no, i can't be. liking a guy's body doesn't mean im gay. does it?

jungkook flips up his laptop and types in his password and goes to the internet, not caring that school was going to start in ten minutes.

"does it mean im gay if i like a guy's body?" jungkook types in, his eyes flickering over to the screen. results load on to the screen and jungkook clicks on the first link. he reads what's printed on the page,

heterosexuals can remark on someone of the same sex and gender if they think they're attractive. you're not gay if you like the look of something on the same sex. it's a different thing though, when you have feelings or wanna do the nasty with them. jungkook relaxes, he just thought taehyung's legs were nice. big deal - it doesn't mean he has feelings for taehyung.

although, he just clarified the fact that he was straight, it didn't make up the reason for the tent growing in his pants whenever he thought of taehyung.

do i wanna do the nasty with taehyung? nah. i don't think so.

oh jesus, maybe i am gay?


he sighs once more. he glances at the clock and grabs his backpack before he could face the wrath of mr song, for being late.

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