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jungkook focus
students rush to escape the confines of the classroom when the bell rings, signalling that it was time to go home.

jungkook wades through the large mass of eager students running, heading towards taehyung's desk. he approaches the boy, watching taehyung slowly rise up from the desk and pack his textbooks away.

"taehyung." the brown haired boy looks up and jungkook notices a pink tinge setting on the former's cheeks.

"u-uh hi jungkook." taehyung mumbles, looking back down at his backpack.

"so uhm, yesterday." jungkook starts as the last of the students leave, the teacher following in their wake. the two were left alone.

jungkook sits down on taehyung's desk and studies taehyung's facial expression.

taehyung's red.

"yeah? what about it?" taehyung says briskly, still averting jungkook's gaze.

"uhm. i wanted to apologise," taehyung looks up, surprised, "i shouldn't have asked you to do that, so yeah, um sorry."

"uh i don't know why i asked that from you. it was probably uncomfortable for you - sorry again." jungkook chews on his bottom lip and looks at the astonished expression taehyung wore on his face.

am i apologising correct? does he think that im a pervert now? is he scared of sleeping with me again? should i even be apologising?
ah, im so confused.

taehyung focus
taehyung laughs softly.

"jungkookie, it doesn't matter really. it was nice." taehyung says before immediately realising what he had just said.

fuck. fuck. fuck.


"what." taehyung replies quickly.

jungkook stops biting his lip and stares at taehyung, his face unreadable. taehyung mentally panics and grabs his backpack, hauling it up on his shoulder.

"hold on a minute, what did you just say?"

"nothing." taehyung squeaks. he moves out from behind his desk and tries to scurry away from jungkook. but the latter stops him by placing a leg in front of his path.

"yeah, you just said it was nice." jungkook says, a smile tugging at his lips. taehyung cringes in embarrassment and looks at the grubby tiled floor.

oh my god, my stupid big mouth. stupid, stupid, stupid.

"n-no i didn't." taehyung stutters.

move out the way, you bastard!!

"i'm pretty sure i heard you say the words 'it was nice'." jungkook murmurs, standing up and practically pressing up against taehyung.
taehyung's breath catches in his throat and he feels the familiar butterflies rising so high, he thought they'd erupt.
that's the third time now.

"and im pretty sure about what i said." taehyung splutters, his eyes glued to the floor. jungkook hums in response, grinning.

taehyung hated appearing so awkward in front of jungkook but he just couldn't help it. his eyes flit, looking for a distraction before jungkook could say anything else.

taehyung was in luck; a teacher enters the room with confusion written on her face.

"oh we're sorry, ill be leaving now!" taehyung babbles and literally pushes jungkook out of the way, making the younger nearly fall back on his ass.
taehyung dodges past the rows of desks, leaving the teacher perplexed and a laughing jungkook behind.

since when did he become such an annoying dick? who does he think he is to come up that close to me and tease me? im his hyUNG.

it was kinda hot though - i mean with him standing that close to me.


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