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[that awkward moment when your readers are excited for taehyung's confession & jungkook to accept it but you're just there like;

[that awkward moment when your readers are excited for taehyung's confession & jungkook to accept it but you're just there like;

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also this is in first person!!]

taehyung | FIRST PERSON
what am i doing? what am i doing? what am i doing? what am i doing?

jungkook cocks his head and waits for me to speak.

taehyung, you might as well go ahead and say it. he's gonna leave and you probably won't see him again afterwards. just tell him and get your damn feelings out.

"well?" jungkook encourages, irritated for some reason. i breathe in deeply and go back to folding his sweatpants into a tidy square.

"i think i like you. no, not 'think'. i definitely like - love? - you." i stutter. i really don't wanna look at jungkook's face just yet so i reach over and grab one of his t-shirts and continue talking.

"i like you. yeah - yeah, i do. ive liked you for a while now. it started somewhere around the time we first slept together. i don't know, to you it probably was just something you had to do to keep me from blabbing your secret, but to me? to me, you were kinda like my very own knight in shining armour. sounds really really cheesy." i laugh weakly, fiddling with his t-shirt and still not meeting his eyes.

"thanks for being there every night, by the way." i breathe in, "me liking you kinda happened after all the time we spent together." i clear my throat, "in the four, maybe five weeks that ive spent with you, you made my heart beat so fast. youve made me turn red and become flustered so many times. and- and, uh. i-i just wanted tell you this." i stop playing with jungkook's t-shirt, setting the red material on the floor besides me. i finally look up.

jungkook looks confused. he looks a little embarrassed, he looks - i don't wanna say it, but uncomfortable.
i gulp down the sudden lump forming in my throat, but to no avail, the lump stays, making it difficult to speak.

"jungkook?" i choke out.
he looks away. his hand snakes around the back of his head, fingers scratching the skin of his neck.

"taehyung, im not gay-"

"i know, i just wanna get this off my chest."

"o-okay. im not sure what im supposed to say. i don't feel anything for you." i nod slightly at that, i knew he didn't feel much.

"you're a great friend" oh god not this line.
"i-i really don't know how to do this. fuck, taehyung. this is so, i don't know!" jungkook says, exasperated at the lack of words sitting in his throat.

"yeah, i know." i whisper.
i don't know, i don't know what going through jungkook's mind at all.

"hold on, gimme a minute." jungkook looks really uncomfortable.
i shouldn't have said anything, i should've just helped him pack and wave him off for busan, all happy smiles and "see you soon!" etc.

i should make it less uncomfortable, oh god.

"well, ive got that off my chest. i should get going, i don't think ill go to the party. but good luck with college jungkookie!" i say hastily, in hope that smiling hard enough and being a little enthusiastic would somehow make the situation a little lighter.

it doesn't, my eyes shine with threatening tears and i can feel my lower lip shaking. i duck my head as i get up from the floor and walk towards jungkook's bedroom door.
without any words, i turn and smile briefly before leaving, hoping that he didn't notice my little breakdown.

jungkook | FIRST PERSON
i noticed him holding back his tears when he left.

i feel like shit. he shouldn't be crying over me.

taehyung's a great guy, a great guy with a great ass but i don't think of him in that way. at least, i don't think so.

sure, i want to fuck him and sure, i enjoy being with taehyung but.
but, i don't think i feel anything.
maybe i do? do i? i dont know, would i like to be in a relationship with taehyung?

im so confused.

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