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taehyung focus
oh my god no. where did this come from?

did i get hard from looking at jungkook?

oh jesus.

taehyung laughs awkwardly whilst placing his palms over his bulge. he continues laughing, embarrassed and unsure about what to say.
jungkook raises an eyebrow at him.

"dunno where that came from" taehyung chuckles, cheeks aflame.
jungkook smirks suddenly, "you sure taehyung? was it because of my amazing muscles?" he jokes, flexing his arms.

taehyung practically burns, his body temperature rising in embarrassment and dread.

"what muscles? i saw nothing!" taehyung declares, hoping that jungkook would leave soon and wouldn't question his boner any further.

jungkook simply shrugs and grabs his phone. he walks over to taehyung with a small smirk playing on his mouth. taehyung swears he feels his heart skip a few beats at the sight of a smirking jungkook approaching him.

"well, whatever - have fun dealing with yourself." jungkook snickers, passing by taehyung and heading over towards the door.

"ill let myself out!" jungkook calls out, his loud footsteps hitting the stairs.

taehyung deflates.

what'd i think he'd do? help me do the dirty? no, that's gross, taehyung. ew.
anyway, better get rid of this.

the boy sighs and sits on the edge of his bed, a hand over his pyjama pants. he slides a hand under his pants to touch his semi hard-on, leaning back on one arm and stroking himself.

make it quick - think about something. . .

despite mentally yelling at himself, taehyung quickens his pace at the thought of jungkook. moans cascading out of his mouth, along with a few curses when he runs a finger over his sensitive tip. sensations running all over his body as he reminds himself of jungkook's cocky smirks and muscles.

"oh wow." he hears someone breathe.

jungkook focus
crap, i left the god damn bike key. jungkook groans and walks back to taehyung's front door. he opens the door and steps in, careful not to bring dirt into the house.
he closes the door and quickly climbs the stairs.
he hums a random song as he reaches for the bedroom doorknob and twists it to open.

his humming stops though, when he hears quiet moans filling his ears.
his eyes flit over to taehyung who was currently sitting on the bed with a hand down his pants. jungkook had gone unnoticed, his presence not recognised by the groaning boy.

taehyung moans as he rubs his erection faster, jungkook still watching him with wide eyes.

his eyes rakes over taehyung as the older's body stutters and orgasms. taehyung's mouth becoming a small 'o' as he came, his head falling back in pure ecstasy and jungkook had to hold himself back from rubbing himself right then and there.

"oh wow." jungkook murmurs and taehyung's head snaps up to stare at the former with dazed eyes.

"j-jungkook." jungkook could literally feel his pants getting tighter when taehyung uttered his name. he stares at taehyung; the boy's glassy eyes contrasted perfectly with his cherry red cheeks and spit slick lips.
cute, jungkook thought.


"please fuck off." taehyung said, glaring at the younger. "and im not uptight, you brat."
okayyy, he's not that cute now, jungkook concluded.

"mhm sure."

". . .are you going or what? i wanna finish off." taehyung mumbles. jungkook smiles at the annoyed male before replying;

"but what if i don't wanna go?"

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