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[this chapter's set in times so watch out for what time it is (⌒_⌒;) remember,

taehyung focus
the next day at 6:30am in the morning, a sweaty and ill taehyung had crawled out of jungkook's bed and discreetly wandered out of his house.

at 7:34am, he was in his pj's and sleeping soundly in his bed.

at 4:oopm, he was showering in the safety of his own bathroom and was slipping into his graduation robe. he exited the foggy bathroom and was greeted by the sight of his mother and grandmother grinning at him maniacally.
turns out miss kim and her mother had made a quick trip back from the next town to proudly see taehyung graduate.

"oh good morning!"
"look at you! so grown up and big!" they had gushed. taehyung smiled and hugged the two of them. his mom and grandma beamed and hugged him back, heartily showering taehyung with unlimited love.

at 5:00pm, his mom was finally content with wearing a black and white floral dress. taehyung and his grandmother exasperated after having to wait for miss kim to change her mind for the fifth time.

at 6:33pm, taehyung hurriedly edges into the seat that namjoon had saved him. he fist bumps namjoon with grins splitting their faces.

they get comfortable readying themselves to hear the principal announce 200 graduating student's name for the next hour or so.

taehyung spots his miss kim and grandma kim waving wildly at him from the parent's seats. he waves back, a lot less wildly, and smiles at them.

"kim taehyung." the headteacher calls out using the microphone. he stops waving and gathers himself to stand and walk down to the stage to accept his certificate.

he grins when he hears his mom, namjoon and even jungkook, when he walks by him, yelling encouragement.
he makes his way up the stage, im finally graduating hell.

at 7:46pm, taehyung chatted amicably with seokjin's family members and waved hi to namjoon's grandfather. loads of the graduate's families had decided to crowd the diners near the schools. families all around taehyung ate fries and burgers whilst laughing and boasting about their sons and daughters.

taehyung grinned.

he wondered where jungkook was. then again, he wouldn't think his austere family would come to a greasy diner to celebrate - they'd more likely be found at a five star rated restaurant.
taehyung had finally caught a glimpse of jungkook's parents. stern, grey and yet, beautiful was what came to mind when he saw jungkook's parents.
his family reeked of high class and importance; simple middle class students and family members watched them with increasing curiosity.

at 9:43pm, taehyung found himself smiling politely but awkwardly at jungkook's pretty mom.

"um hi, im taehyung - a friend of jungkook. nice to meet you mrs jeon." taehyung said in what he hoped was formal.

she sighs softly before beckoning him to come in and head over to jungkook's room. taehyung climbs the stairs with rigid shoulders, aware that mrs jeon was watching him. he bursts into jungkook's room and breathes out a sigh of relief.

"met mother?" jungkook says, raising a knowing eyebrow. taehyung nods, eyes dragging up jungkook's appearance. a stressed expression sits on jungkook's face, his graduation robe hanging lumpy off his body.

"im so fucking stressed, i don't even know if i wanna go to this party now." jungkook grunts, glaring at the moving boxes and suitcases filling one side of jungkook's room.

"you have to go. it's the last one before college. besides you made me walk all the way here, so hurry up and get dressed." taehyung instructs, depositing himself, cross legged on the floor.

jungkook grunts something but grabs a bunch of unpacked clothes from his bed and strides over to the en suite bathroom.

"would you mind just packing my clothes away into that small suitcase? id do it but my folding skills suck." jungkook calls out before closing the door shut.

taehyung drags the suitcase down to the floor and starts to lazily fold jungkook's clothes. im not meant to be folding jungkook's damn clothes on graduation day!

grudgingly he bundles up black socks into little balls before slotting them into the sides of the suitcase.

taehyung thinks about telling jungkook, just trying one more time.

it's too late.

it's not too late. just tell him and get this stupid thing over and done with.

jungkook focus
jungkook exits the bathroom wearing a clean set of clothing, throwing a jacket over his shoulders. he spots the thousands of busan college leaflets decorating his bed, his mood darkening at the sight.

for fucks sake, he thinks as he walks past the leaflets. he really really doesn't want to party, he just want to curl into a ball and grumble about travelling so far from home just because his father had said so.

jungkook rakes a hand through his hair again and glances at taehyung who looks as if he's battling something between himself.

"hey taehyung?" jungkook sighs, "is there something bothering you? because you seem occupied all the time now." jungkook queries, a little annoyed at going to busan for college and wanting to express his irritation. unfortunately, jungkook decided to vent his irritation by angrily questioning the latter's nervousness.

taehyung exhales, "yeah, there is something actually."

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