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taehyung focus
finals week was finally here and taehyung was halfway done with exams. just one more week and a couple of days left before they receive their results, pack for college, leave home and separate.

sadness and worry consumes taehyung's mind, when thoughts appear about separating ways with jungkook. jungkook would live in busan happily, whilst taehyung would stay stuck in seoul, stuck with sleeping alone. stuck with his nightmares. who's gonna help him sleep, if jungkook wasn't there?

he shoves those depressing thoughts to the back of his head, and concentrates on his finals instead. he was 100% sure he had passed or at least managed to scrape past average in the tests he had taken so far. just his english and maths test remains.

yeah, the maths test that jungkook was betting on. that maths test.

taehyung looks over to jungkook, who strides confidently alongside taehyung. the older shakes his head and walks ahead, no way will jungkook get 75%.

even with a tutor's help, taehyung doubts that jungkook would manage getting 75% or over in this exam.

taehyung also wonders why jungkook was so into the idea of having sex with taehyung, it surprised taehyung so much when he first declared it. taehyung laughs at the memory, then snorts at the memory of the bet being made; jungkook wouldn't get 75%, what the hell.

but what if he somehow gets high marks on his exam? nah.
but what if he did? i'll have to have sex with him, right?
OH MY GOD NO. i mean, i like jungkook but we're not dating or anything!!

but, i wonder how it'd be like? would be nice? maybe it'd be really hot?

stop thinking about it!! you have a maths test to focus about - think about equations and formulas!!
jungkook definitely won't get 75%!!

"well, that was surprisingly easy!" jungkook says, walking out of the school exam hall with a smile on his face and with his hands folded behind the back of his head.

he found it easy? bad news, that's bad news, taehyung.

"did you find it hard or easy?" the younger asks, smirking.

"it was okay." it was certain not okay. at the beginning of the exam; taehyung had panicked about jungkook getting high grades and having to do it with him. images of jungkook smiling down at him whilst he did things, floated though taehyung's mind and freaked the hell out of him.
thankfully, he had managed to pull himself together towards the end and scribbled answers down quickly. i probably got average, taehyung thinks, a little gloomily.

"well, we'll find out what our results are next monday. let's hope for over 75% on my test, hmm?" jungkook hums, still smirking. taehyung rolls his eyes, on the inside however, the older is literally panicking the fuck out.

[time skip to monday cause ive made you guys wait for smut for so long lol (*_ _ )人 ]



taehyung and his mom sat at the kitchen table, both enjoying the cool air escaping from the open freezer. beads of sweat appears on taehyung's neck and forehead. taehyung wonders whether he's sweating from the hot july weather or if he's sweating because his exam results lay in front of him, in a discreet brown envelope.

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