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taehyung focus.
taehyung breathes out through his nose noisily, worry washes over his body as he gets ready for the party.
sure, he had studied and slept well but he worries that the studying wasn't enough and that he'd get a low grade in the maths test he had just finished.

he shrugs on an acid washed jacket before grabbing his keys and phone off the table in the hallway.

"bye mom!" he yells and steps out of the house without waiting to hear her response.

he wanders out of his driveway and walks down the street, mentally apologising for lying to his mom about going to a party and not some sleepover to do extra revision for the more upcoming tests.
sorry mom sorry mom sorry mom.


a few hours later and taehyung was grinding up against a couple, two red cups filled with lukewarm beer in his hand jostling around.

"EVERYBODY NOW! LA LA LA." taehyung shouts, moving away from the scared couple and pumping his fists up to the music. he spots jimin and crashes and bumps past sweaty bodies whilst still trying to maintain the beer in their cups.

"jimin!" he calls, handing the boy one of the sticky red cups and wraps an arm over his shoulders.
jimin chuckles, the black haired boy's eyes turning into little crescents.

"let's dance!"

"taehyung?" the aforementioned turns around and bares his teeth happily.

jungkook focus
jungkook wanders in to the party, his eyes scanning the scantily dressed females and the males drinking and playing beer pong. he couldn't wait to start mingling with the hot girls around him.

he surveys the crowded living room, his eyes stopping at the small crowd forming around a bright orange coloured hair and a boy in an acid washed denim jacket.

jungkook peers at the two males; who seemed to be standing on the dining table, singing loudly and rather badly.

he edges his way further to see jimin screaming some lyrics and being spun around by the denim jacketed dude.
jungkook's eyes register on the male as he turns around.
oh my god is that-

"taehyung?!" the aforementioned turns around and bares his teeth happily

"jungkook!" he screeches, removing his arm from jimin's shoulders and suddenly jumps off the table and into the younger's arms. jungkook's eyes widening as he opens his arms to catch taehyung quickly.
jungkook stumbles back from the sudden weight thrown on to his chest, his arms wrapping around taehyung to support him.

taehyung throws his head back and laughs hard at jungkook's confused expression.

who the hell is this??? taehyung wouldn't do this??

"jungkookie! you look so cute!" taehyung coos, pinching his cheek .

he definitely wouldn't do that.

"uh, taehyung." jungkook says, struggling to carry the male without his arms being ripped out of their sockets.

taehyung's face darkens, a frown crossing his face, "hey jungkook. i think im gonna hurl." he mutters. his head drops forward on to jungkook's shoulder. jungkook's eyes flit worriedly to taehyung.

jesus christ - not on me not on me not on me

"jungkook?" the boy raises his eyes at mention of his name, he meets jimin's eyes, "hey man! glad to see you!"

jungkook nods weakly, his hands straining under the weight of taehyung's legs.

"hey! um - im gonna sort out taehyung ok!" jungkook shouts over the music and jimin nods, before jumping back on the table.

"please don't throw up." jungkook murmurs as he waddles out of the jam packed room, a woozy taehyung cradled in his arms.

somehow, jungkook manages to drag taehyung's body up the stairs and into the bathroom. he curses when he spots that the light bulb was smashed by some idiot earlier but was thankful for the street lamp outside the window. an eerie orange glow flooded into the messy bathroom, setting dark shadows against the walls.

he sets taehyung down on to the cool tiles and instructs him to throw up in the toilet if he feels sick.

he couldn't believe he was sorting out taehyung when he could be downstairs making out with a girl.

"it's hot." taehyung groans and jungkook nods as he turns around to rip some toilet paper off.

"yeah, the weather forecast said it's be hot and what with all the people in this god damn house-" jungkook rambles randomly, turning around to face taehyung stripping.

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