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taehyung focus
after a while, taehyung gets tired of getting slapped in the face with ji su's long hair whenever she turns around , and readies himself to leave.

"um, it's been really nice meeting you guys but i gotta go now. bye." taehyung smiles politely, dying to just get away from the hair flicking maniacs.

"oh, wait then - lemme come with you."

"huh?" taehyung stops in his tracks when jungkook offers to go with him, surprised.

"ill come with you." jungkook smiles.

taehyung's smiles lightens up a tad bit more.

jungkook focus
jungkook had noticed taehyung's lack of presence earlier and wondered if he was okay.

ever since taehyung had opened up about his past, jungkook's found himself wanting to watch over him and make sure he's safe. every time, he looks over at taehyung, he finds something new to think about. earlier, it was how cute taehyung looked with cake smeared on his lip and how he really really wanted to wipe it the smear away with his thumb.

it was all so very weird for him.

but when taehyung decides to go home, he couldn't help but offer to go with him. 50% of himself wanted to continue staring at soo yeon's impressive chest, whilst the other half wanted to make sure taehyung was safe going home. the other half won, of course.

now, jungkook and taehyung sit on the bus stop seats, waiting for the bus to arrive. jungkook hums a random song, his grouchy mood lightening up at the thought of calling soo yeon's number later, the girl had slipped a paper with her number written on it just before he left.

he glances over at taehyung who listlessly swings his legs back and forth.

gosh, why is he so quiet? please speak and break the godamn silence.
jungkook , you say something first.

but what?

his mind drifts through topics that he could to talk about with taehyung; college, girls, the new ice cream flavour in mr lee's off license shop, sports?
he remembers the gay porn and the way he constantly bugged taehyung to try it out with him, the latter refusing every time.

wonder if he'll change his mind now?

"hey taehyung? what are you thoughts on having sex with me?"

"oh god, not this again." taehyung groans, he stops swinging his legs and cocks his head at jungkook.

"why can't we?"

"you freaked out this morning when we accidentally kissed so how do you plan to have fricking sex?"

"that kiss just startled me a little, that's all. besides i feel like sex with you could be really nice." taehyung blushes profusely and whacks jungkook's arm.

"no, go away."

"how about we have a bet?"




"how about-"


"lemme speak!"

taehyung sighs, still recovering from what jungkook had said.

"how about if i pass 90% on my maths test, you let me try something?"

taehyung snorts, "good luck with that then." everyone in their maths class knew how much jungkook sucked at maths. his other subjects, he was okay with, but his maths skills were truly truly terrible.

"does that mean it's a yes?" taehyung doesn't say anything. no way, was jungkook going to get more than 50% - there's just no no no way.

"actually 90% is a little hard."

"no, you said 90% so it's gonna stay 90%."

"how about 70%."


"cut me some slack. tae, i can barely get even 50%!"

"fine, 75%."


"yeah yeah, whatever."

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