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jungkook focus
"it's hot." taehyung groans and jungkook nods as he turns around to rip some toilet paper off.

"yeah, the weather forecast said it'd be hot and what with all the people in this god damn house-" jungkook rambles randomly, turning back around to face taehyung, who was currently stripping.

"oh my god." he breathes as taehyung clambers inside the tub and leans back into the bath tub sleepily.

"no no no. put your stupid pants back on!" jungkook hisses, grabbing the discarded jeans from off the floor and shoving it into taehyung's direction. he stares at the bathroom tiles as he does so, not realising that taehyung was fucking touching himself above his boxers until he hears a tell tale moan.

he lifts his head up to see taehyung lazily stroking his dick for the second time.
instead of throwing taehyung's pants in the latter's face and walking out, like jungkook was envisioning. he finds himself staring at the boy and where his hand was, intently.

"hey. wanna try something?" taehyung questions, stopping his little show and leaning forward. jungkook dismisses the disappointment he feels and focuses on taehyung's face - which was inches away from his.

"w-what?" jungkook stumbles over his words, his eyes fixated on taehyung's plump lips.

"suck me off."
jungkook chokes on his spit.

"in return, i'll suck yours. or i could go first."

"oh my god no - tae, im not gay."

"tae and gay rhymes." taehyung sniggers. jungkook stares at the older in shock at how casual he was in asking. sober taehyung would've slapped him if he had asked that.

"im. not. gay."

"you don't have to be - just help me out with my problem and ill help you with yours." taehyung beams, his index finger outstretching towards jungkook's crotch, tapping the faint bulge trapped in his leather pants. 


jungkook grabs ahold of taehyung's wrist and pushes his protruding fingers away.

"taehyung, you're drunk."

"c'mon jungkooooook."

jungkook hesitates a little.

fuck, these pants are tight.
should i?

nah. he'd kill me later.

but he's the one who's asking for it.

jungkook thinks of something and pulls out his phone from his jacket pocket. he slides up the camera on to his screen and presses the red record button.

"taehyung? what do you wanna do right now?" jungkook asks, making sure that his camera was on the boy dangling over the bath tub.

"suck dick!" taehyung says cheerfully, pumping a hand into the air with enthusiasm. jungkook giggles at how cute the older was.

"will you kill me later if i let you suck mine?"

"no!" taehyung replies with equal enthusiasm.


"pinky promise!"

gosh, drunk taehyung is so cute. jungkook places his phone back inside his jacket pocket, satisfied.

taehyung lifts a pale leg out of the bath tub and clambers down from the white container.

"let's get started!" taehyung smiles and practically pounces on jungkook's legs.
jungkook watches in surprise as taehyung slowly pulls down the zipper of his trousers.

taehyung looks up to see jungkook gulping in anticipation, he takes this as motivation and drags a steady hand over jungkook's boxer clad bulge.

jungkook holds back his breath as taehyung slides his fingers upwards, his fingers catching the waistband of his black boxers. he pulls the elastic back to reveal jungkook's thick length.
taehyung giggles at jungkook's pulsating erection and prods the warm skin with his fingertip.

"taehyung, are you sure you-" he stops when taehyung leans down closer and could feel his tongue licking up a long strip down his shaft.  
he throws his head back in pleasure, nearly hitting his head against the sink.

oh god, it feels so good.

jungkook's mind clouds over, just the thought and feeling of taehyung helping him get off, stayed on his mind.

taehyung pulls back and places a soft kiss on the tip causing jungkook to shiver from the feeling. he slowly slides jungkook's length into his mouth, tasting the precum.

"shit, taehyung." jungkook groans, his hand mindlessly reaching out for taehyung's brown locks.

"ah." taehyung murmurs when jungkook tugs his hair lightly. jungkook  could feel taehyung's lips moving up and down, he could feel his tongue against his length and the warmth of his mouth on his skin.
jungkook was in heaven.

taehyung fastens the pace sloppily, jungkook's contributing to the by raising his hips upwards.

"taehyung, it's gonna-" jungkook tries to warn but the rising pleasure stops him from doing so, the familiar feeling appearing in his stomach.
his hips stutter as he comes in taehyung's mouth without any warning.

"taehyung, taehyung-" he gasps out as taehyung's mouth recedes from jungkook's cock, he almost let out a small whine from the lack of warmth around his dick but stops himself.

taehyung just made me cum.

taehyung just sucked me off.

oh my god, he's gonna kill me.

shit, shit, shit.

jungkook looks down to see taehyung resting his head against jungkook's thigh, his eyes were closed and lips parted slightly. a thin line of white liquid dribbles out of taehyung's mouth and jungkook quickly wipes it away.

i just let a guy suck me off.

taehyung nuzzles closer to jungkook's thigh, mumbling incoherently in his semi conscious state and distracting jungkook from his thoughts.

he's asleep?

i didn't even return the favour.

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