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taehyung focus
taehyung scratches the back of his neck, laughing awkwardly.

"okay fine. i don't want my mom to worry about me not sleeping. i don't wanna interrupt her work and make her worried so i said you were my boyfriend. just play along in front of her okay? also do you think you can make breakfast?" taehyung rushes, looking at jungkook to see his reaction.

"i can't cook to save my life!" jungkook hisses.

"you can't be as shit as i am." taehyung hisses back, pushing jungkook towards the stove and handing him a pan. he grabs eggs from the fridge quickly and motions jungkook to start cooking.

"tae-" taehyung runs off before jungkook could make him answer his question or ask him to help him cook. him cooking would equal in burning the kitchen to cinders.

taehyung hears the sound of eggs cracking and breathes a relieved sigh as he runs upstairs to get changed.


"oh this smells lovely." miss kim's smile turns into a grimace, taehyung's and miss kim's nostrils burning at the smell of gas and burnt toast.

"ah, here we go." jungkook beams forcefully, handing plates of badly cooked eggs and slices of burnt toast to the two.

"im gonna get changed but dig in!" jungkook smiles, gritting his teeth when taehyung takes his plate. taehyung worries that the boy's bunny teeth would grind until they were non existent. then he thought about jungkook not having any front teeth which made taehyung stifle a giggle. jungkook glares at him.

the latter walks out of the fridge leaving taehyung and his mom to poke at their breakfast. taehyung lifts a spoonful of uncooked scrambled eggs and burnt toast to his mouth.

"oh jesus - what the fuck is this?" taehyung exclaims, he feels like he had just consumed large amounts of charcoal.
the boy realises that his mom was furrowing her eyebrows and he quickly changes tack.

"what the hell is this? it's so good! mmm!" taehyung exaggerates.
you can tell that he was really crap at acting and his lying skills were even more worse.
miss kim looks unimpressed.

taehyung beams through his burnt breakfast, but cries on the inside.

jungkook wasn't lying when he said that he was bad at cooking. for god's sake, he couldn't even make toast.

miss kim ignores the boy and stands up from the kitchen table, leaving the plate. "im on a diet unfortunately. do tell jungkook that im sorry - okay?" miss kim gave a what-can-you-do shrug.
the boy rolled his eyes; taehyung's mom never dieted, she believe in eating to your heart's content.
clearly her heart's content wasn't big enough for jungkook's cooking.

as soon as she leaves the room to go turn on the tv in the next room, taehyung gets up and chucks his breakfast into the bin.

jungkook focus
jungkook half storms half drags himself down the stairs in yesterday's school uniform since he had no weekend clothes. it was a saturday, he had been planning on sleeping in a bit more before going to the shops to buy a breakfast snack. but it all got ruined because of taehyung's loud declaration in the kitchen about jungkook being his boyfriend and him forcing him to make him breakfast.

"jungkook? can you come in here?" miss kim beckons from where she sat on the couch in the living room, noticing the boy. jungkook nods and walks into the room, surprised at the amount of taehyung's baby photos hanging from the walls. he'd only been in taehyung's room, the bathroom and kitchen, he hadn't seen these photos.

"i need to talk to you about some stuff, come sit down." she smiles, patting at the couch. he smiles like his mom, jungkook thinks as he sits down.

"now. taehyung is my only son and its natural to be protective about your kid but i will rip your face off if you touch my son or hurt him in any way." miss kim said, still smiling. jungkook stares, perplexed at the woman beside him, a shiver running down his spine.

fucking hell - she's scary.

"taehyung's been through a lot and i mean a lot, i don't want him to go through anymore pain. so don't you dare make him cry. got it?" she's still smiling which unnerves jungkook.

what's he been through? jungkook ponders but pushes the thought to the back of his mind when taehyung pokes his head around the living room door.

"hey jungkook? are you ready? let's go on our date!" taehyung fakes a giggle. jungkook wrinkles nose at taehyung's high pitched giggle.


"yes! remember?!" taehyung grins, his right eye twitching.

"oh yeah! a date! see you later miss kim - ill keep in mind about what you said." jungkook mumbles, smiling lightly at miss kim. miss kim instantly softens her previously cold smile towards the boy.

"ill walk you guys out."

"mom, no."

"out you go." taehyung's mom ushers them out of the living room to the front door, patting jungkook's back as they walk out.

taehyung slips his left hand into jungkook's right and gives a little squeeze, startling jungkook.

"bye mom!" taehyung shoutsbefore dragging jungkook out of the house and down the driveway.

"okay, what the fuck?" jungkook says as soon as they leave the driveway and taehyung's mom closes the door.

"what the hell do you think you're thinking saying that im your boyfriend? does this mean i have to hold hands and kiss you when your mom's around? oh my fuck, im not gay, taehyung! also how does this affect our sleeping arrangements? your mom told me not to fucking touch you - what am i supposed to do?" jungkook complains, exasperated.

"jungkook, you can let go off my hand now." taehyung squeaks, pink dusting his cheeks.

jungkook looks down to see their hands still entwined together, his fingers digging into the back of taehyung's hand.

"oh, sorry." he mutters, releasing the grip on taehyung's hand. they both retract their hands as far away from each other.

"oh, and don't you think me being your boyfriend is exceeding the deal we made? you keep me jacking off a secret and i sleep with you. but being your boyfriend? don't you think you should do something?" jungkook asks, quirking an eyebrow.

"huh? what do you mean?"

"give me something in return for being your boyfriend." jungkook states, turning to face the older with a small smirk on his face, winking

that was the first time that taehyung's stomach felt butterflies.

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