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jungkook focus
jungkook sighs. the roles were reversed now - jungkook was the one awake by himself and taehyung was fast asleep.

he rubs his forehead in order to massage his headache away. his dick had gone limp after a while but now a headache occupies his mind.
he lifts himself up from the bed, the duvet slightly uncovering taehyung as he did so.

maybe he should go grab some thing to eat? but he wasn't that hungry. maybe he should go on his phone? but his phone was currently dead. jungkook groans inwardly at the thoughts cluttering up inside him.

jungkook was interrupted from his clamouring thoughts when taehyung rolls over to face jungkook's side of the bed. the boy extends his arm, patting the area where jungkook'd be if he was still lying down.

does he want to hold my hand or something?

jungkook places his hand on the bed waiting for taehyung to pat around for it. sure enough, taehyung had found and grabbed ahold of his index finger.

jungkook raises an eyebrow, smiling at how cute the older was. he stops abruptly when he realises who he was calling cute; kim taehyung, a random guy in his class who'd caught him looking and masturbating to porn in the male washroom.
he blushes in embarrassment at the memory before leaning back with taehyung still clutching his index finger. he glances at taehyung's face,

he is pretty cute though.

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