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taehyung focus
taehyung's phone beeps quietly besides his leg. he grabs his phone and slides to answer jungkook's call.
"im tired and coming round yours to sleep, you ready for bed?"

"not yet. if you come, then im gonna be out in the back garden." taehyung replies, the cold steel of his phone pressing up against his cheeks.

"in the back garden? at night?"


"alright then, im coming."

jungkook arrives and walks through the kitchen and through the back door, closing the old door behind him. he walks over to where taehyung sits cross legged on a swinging hammock, his eyes closed and looking serene. he sits on the hammock besides him, the contraption squeaking with his weight.

"star gazing 101." jungkook reads, picking up the book on taehyung's lap and flipped through the pages. he stops at the front page, reading what's written there out loud;

"tae, you should try star gazing when you can't sleep. it's lovely. -hoseok."

taehyung stays silent and stares up at the night sky, his eyes shiny.

"the book doesn't help much but it's nice to look up at the stars once in a while." taehyung murmurs. jungkook looks up at the inky sky, dots of light shining through the darkness. he closes the book.

"yeah." he says, and leans back on to the hammock. the two boys sit unbelievably close together on the squeaking hammock, silently watching stars with each other.

taehyung feels his heart race when he feels jungkook unintentionally brushes his hand against his - he doesn't withdraw his hand, just lets his hand rest against taehyung's cold ones.

"how long have you been out here?" jungkook asks, "you're freezing."

"a while maybe." taehyung responds, edging the tiniest bit closer towards jungkook.

"stars are great things. so great. look, there's the north star, the north star's amazing. it's like the mommy star, you know? guiding all her little stars north, heading home with her family." taehyung smiles, folding his arms.

he glances over at jungkook to see what jungkook thinks about his theory, but is surprised to see the boy nodding off.
he chuckles and reaches over for jungkook's lolling head.
he hesitates, am i allowed to do this?

taehyung caves in and gently places jungkook's head on his shoulder. he wraps the blanket around him more and sits back, relaxed, and could smell jungkook's shampoo.

he tilts and rests his head on top of jungkook's, smelling the coconut scent of his soft hair and stares up at the night, happily.

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