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taehyung focus
taehyung feels like he could get straight A's on his exams, he feelslike he could go to whatever college he wanted. he just felt so refreshed. sleeping with someone there to watch over him, really helped taehyung.
before, he'd fall asleep midway in lessons and wake up seconds later but now, he was attentive and listened and noted everything his teachers uttered to him

he smiles to himself as he writes down balanced equations whilst listening to the teacher drag on about the importance of doing extra work at home to really understand the topic.

he leans back in his chair when he finishes the equation, he glances over to his left, where jungkook was scribbling notes furiously. he smiles at the boy when he chews on his bottom lip, his tinged lips becoming more and more red.

he glances away from jungkook, still smiling, and picks up his pencil once again.

jungkook focus
all this work is killing me - help.

jungkook groans internally when his math teacher put yet another equation to solve on the board. he sighs in frustration and hurriedly writes down the question.

so hungry.
he sighs again.

his phone vibrates quietly against his thigh, he takes it out of his pocket with care. he really didn't want to be lectured for hours after school about using electronics during school hours by the teacher.

he opens up a text from jimin; a boy who always partnered up with him for p.e class.

jimin: so im getting a party together on friday after the exam - u know as like a lil 'congrats you did it!' type party? wanna come over on friday night? im expecting you to be there!!

jungkook: see you there then

jungkook pockets his phone away and leans forward to rest his elbows on the desk.

at least there's something to look forward to after the test, jungkook thinks as he hums.
jungkook loved parties - he loves the idea of girls giggling and dancing along with him. who knows maybe he'd hook up with one for the first time?

jungkook grins, now there's definitely something to look forward to after this shitty maths test.

taehyung focus
jimin: tae! my man! party at mine on friday - be there!

jimin: havent see you at parties recently - you used to never sleep and party all night!!

taehyung frowns at the words "you used to never sleep".
that was the point, jimin.

taehyung winces at the vivid memories of saying out late and dragging his friends out on warm nights with cans of beer, just so he wouldn't have to fall asleep. he remembers the one time, him and namjoon had spray painted the wall of a nightclub after the bouncer hadn't let them in.
he stopped going to midnight outings and parties when his mom found him at the police station with a guilty namjoon sitting besides him. his stomach clenches tightly when he thinks back to the expression miss kim had on her face.

taehyung: don't think i can - sorry

jimin: c'mon its gonna be fun

taehyung's about to type up an excuse when a thought hits him, is jungkook gonna go? am i gonna have to sleep alone again?
taehyung leaves his and jimin's chat and messages jungkook,

taehyung: going to go to jimin's party?

jungkook: only if you're going, do you wanna come?

taehyung sighs inaudibly.
he probably wants to go.

taehyung: yeah, ill see u there then.

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