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taehyung focus
taehyung wasn't talking to jungkook, he refuses to even go anywhere near him. it drove taehyung wild how the boy kept trying to convince taehyung to let him 'park his truck in his garage'. he'd bring the topic up in the most random places; in maths class, the lunch queue, by the school gates and even in his own bathroom too when they were brushing their teeth.

right now, taehyung was studying furiously for his end of year exams - the exams that'd tell him if he'd get into college or not. he highlighted like crazy and constantly scribbled notes and diagrams, trying to cram what he had learnt in high school in only three weeks.

but, there's a point in studying where you just have to stop and do something else, and taehyung needed to take his mind off the chemistry formulas that he was learning. anymore studying for today and his mind would short circuit and blow up.

so he finally broke the 'not-talking-to-jungkook' rule and decided to call him.

"i swear to god, if you ask me about doing 'it' - i will tell everyone about you flipping through porn mags during maths," taehyung warns, "im calling because i finished studying and i wanna sleep, when do you think you can come over?"

taehyung hear jungkook groan over the line, "do i have to come now? im watching a film and its getting really good. besides its only 9:15pm."

"record the show and come over."

"nooooo." jungkook whines.
taehyung sighs loudly.

"hey! why don't you come round mine?"

round to jungkook's? i'll have to ask mom. she'll let me if its a friend's house - no need to tell her that it's jungkook's house.

taehyung shrugs, "sure, message me your address."

okay holy shit, i knew his dad had a good job but what type of job lets you have a house like this???

taehyung stands agape at the house in front of him, white walls and glass screens looming over him.

he clears his throat, smooths down the small creases on his hoodie and clears his throat before ringing the doorbell.

oh god i bet his mom is gonna open the door and she'll have pearls around her neck and wear fancy jumpsuits. oh fuck, why did i decide to walk here in pj's???

the door edges open, taehyung expecting a maid or jungkook's rich mom to appear and usher him in but jungkook appears instead, bunny toothed and all.

"hey, welcome to the jeon residence." jungkook grins, motioning taehyung to step in. the older walks in, wiping his shoes against the doormat excessively.

"oppaaaaa." taehyung hears a little girl whine from another room.

"coming!" jungkook shouts, "you're wearing your pj's?" jungkook laughs, looking at taehyung's comical baggy trousers.

"shut up, i wanted to be prepared for bed quick. i even brushed my teeth." taehyung huffs, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder. jungkook laughs at the older, eyes crinkling.

taehyung glares at him as his laughter dies down, hands clutching his stomach.

"it's not that funny." taehyung mutters.
a light breeze brushes taehyung's skin, causing taehyung's baggy pants to shudder in the wind.
jungkook cracks up laughing again whilst taehyung crossed his arms over his chest, seething at the younger.

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