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taehyung focus
"oh hey mom, you're back early."

"mm, mrs son called me. i suppose you know why she called me?" taehyung pulls a face at the mention of his neighbour.

"nothing happened! we just got locked out - that's all! you know how shit the back door is!" taehyung protests.

"don't curse." miss kim sniffs, "fine, ill let you two off." taehyung breathes out in relief.

mrs kim sets down her makeup bags and kits on the hallway floor and swaps her heels for a pair of slippers.
"how is your relationship by the way?" she asks, padding into the kitchen with worn but comfy slippers.

"what relation- oh! um, yeah it's going great. went on a couple of dates." taehyung lies, although it's not really lying cause you could always say that going and touring college and star gazing were dates???

"oh?" miss kim raises an eyebrow. "last time i didn't get to know jungkook that well, how about we invite him over for dinner sometime?" miss kim smiles.

ah fuck.

"sure." taehyung smiles brightly.

oh fuck fuck fuck.

"great, how about tonight? is that too soon? how about lunch?"

"lunch is good." taehyung squeaks.

"make sure to tell jungkook! oh and im cooking, no way will i let that boy near my oven." miss kim laughs, taehyung joins in weakly.

well, this is gonna be fun telling jungkook.

jungkook focus
jungkook's phone rings loudly, causing him to lift his head up from the maths textbook he was studying.

"hello taehyung?"

"uh hi. ahahah. um, mrs son, my neighbour, called my mum in and she wants to see you. nothing bad, just lunch." taehyung mumbles. "so, comeoverandbemyboyfriendagain. please." taehyung rushes. jungkook blinks.

"lunch? yeah okay. i have to be boyfriendy, that's all?"


jungkook sighs, "alright fine, whatever. i just gotta dress up nicely and be nice? you do realise that we're supposed to be studying for finals right?"

"mhm, it'll be a short lunch date - don't worry. oh, and thanks for doing this, jungkook."

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