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[guess who's birthday is today?? mINE WHOOP, here's a chapter to celebrate
(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ ]

[edit : y'ALL STOP WISHING ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY — this chapter was made legit a year ago (and jdjsk my birthday's coming up again in couple of days)]

[edit : guys it was my birthday again yesterday sksksj it's been two years!!!]

[edit : it's 19/10 (for those who're asking) and omg y'all are wishing me happy birthday for three years now — thank you 🥺]

taehyung focus
the doorbell rings once, twice before taehyung goes to swing the door open.

"jesus, what happened to you?" taehyung asks, brows furrowing as he takes in jungkook's appearance.

"studying did this to me." jungkook grumbled, glaring at taehyung from under his black hoodie. taehyung finds himself laughing at jungkook, laughing at his unkempt fringe and the miserable scowl on his face.

"let's go." taehyung says, stifling his laughs when jungkook shoots daggers at him with his dark circled eyes.

the two walk in amicable silence to the bus stop, taehyung took in the july sunshine whilst jungkook grumbles about the weather being too hot.

taehyung cant stop laughing even after catching the bus. the two sat towards the back, taehyung laughing at jungkook's wrecked appearance whilst  jungkook chewing gum grumpily. he pulls out a packet of gum, his eyes flickering over to the little boy watching him and sitting with his mom on the seats opposite. jungkook shakes the packet of gum towards him.

"want one?" jungkook offers, taehyung smiles at his action. aw, he thinks.

the boy shakes his head, "mommy said not to take food off a stranger." he states, edging closer to his mom, who slept with her mouth open, drool forming at the corners.

"yeah, but it isn't bad. you just saw me - i just ate a piece."

"but mommy says it could have bad stuff in it, like drugs." the little boy whisper shouting the word 'drugs'.

"it doesn't have drugs in." jungkook frowns, "here have one." jungkook persists. taehyung chuckles at how determined jungkook was on giving gum to the kid, finding his persistence funny.

"mommy, a weirdo's trying to make me eat bad stuff!" the kid cries, waking up his mom by shaking her arm hard. she wakes up with a start, looking at her son and then at jungkook who grimaces uncomfortably.

"keep your druggy gum to yourself!" the lady gasps, taking the little boy's hand and presses the button for the bus to stop. she tsks at jungkook before walking away briskly with her son.

taehyung bursts out laughing.

"what the? it's just your average chewing gum though?? plus he was eyeing my gum first! why did he make me look like some addict? do i look like a gum druggie?? taehyung, stop laughing!" taehyung snorts with laughter at the thought of jungkook being a chewing gum addict targeting children on the bus. the thought was just so un-jungkook like.

"here, eat this and tell me if you can taste anything dodgy!" jungkook shoves a piece of gum towards taehyung who claps his hands like a seal as he laughs.

"okay okay." taehyung takes the chewing gum and bites into it, strawberry flavour filling his mouth.

"no drugs right?" taehyung shakes his head, struggling not to laugh, and jungkook leans back in his seat with a satisfied expression on his face.

"tsk, can you even get gum with drugs in?" jungkook grumbles under his breath.

taehyung looks outside the window, smiling as he chews strawberry flavoured gum.

he spots a familiar looking boy outside an arcade entrance, sucking a lollipop whilst grinning at a bunch of girls who wore tiny skirts around their waists.

"hey, i think that's namjoon hyung." taehyung points, prodding a finger at the dirty bus window.



"i don't see him."

"look, there. he's talking to those girls."

"still can't see him." jungkook leans in closer to get a better view. "nope, can't see him."

"he's right ther-" taehyung says exasperated and turns around to show jungkook.

only jungkook's face is right in front of him, eyes millimetres apart, tips of their noses touching.
so you can imagine how close their lips were, right? taehyung feels his lips brush against jungkook's rosy lips. warm sensations searing through his lips as he realises what's going on.

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