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taehyung focus
"kim taehyung, wake up right this second." a voice hisses, a female one - one that sounds exactly like his mom's. taehyung opens his eyes to see a woman looming over a sleeping jungkook and himself.

"oh, hi there mom."

"come downstairs - we have a lot to talk about." his mom whisper shouts, eyeing jungkook.
a nervous taehyung detaches himself from the sleeping boy besides him and wanders downstairs.
he's worried about what his mom would say.

"who the hell is in your bed?" his mom queries as soon as he steps into the small kitchen. he leans against the counter, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"uhm someone." taehyung murmurs, yawning loudly.

"care to explain why this someone is in your bed when im not around?" his mom raises an eyebrow.
miss kim knew about taehyung's sleepless nights and always felt guilty for leaving her son to travel and work. whenever his mom asked about his sleeping problems, he'd always brush the topic away. he knew his mom had a lot on her hands, he didn't want to make her worry.

if he told his mom that the boy upstairs was only helping him go to sleep, she'd worry herself until she was exhausted like she was when he was younger.

hence the reason why taehyung told his mom that jungkook was his boyfriend.

miss kim splutters, eyes turning wide.

"he's a good boyfriend. uhm, we didn't do anything last night - he just fell asleep after doing homework together. i swear." taehyung mumbles, flustered.

"how did you two meet?" he lifts his eyes to see his mom trying to hide a smile and trying to still look stern.

"uhm he's in my class and we got closer?" taehyung replies uncertainly, his response turning into a question.

"oh yeah? you said he was a good boyfriend?"

"mhm. makes really good food and he's smart as well." taehyung lies.

sorry mom sorry mom sorry mom.

"taehyung?" a voice grunts, entering the kitchen.

"ah good morning boyfriend!" taehyung greets cheerfully. taehyung prays that jungkook was still half asleep and wouldn't say anything.
the younger blinks at taehyung then stares at miss kim.

"what do you mean boyf-" jungkook starts, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. but taehyung interrupts him by pressing his lips harshly against jungkook's cheek, nearly knocking him over with the force of it.

jungkook's eyes turn huge.

"ah, im taehyung's mom. i was away for work and i see you two used that opportunity to have some fun huh?" his mom smiles.. taehyung feels like dying.

"mom, no." taehyung cringes.

"ah no, it's not like that - im uh jungkook." jungkook introduces, looking back and forth at taehyung and his mom. taehyung doesn't dare to look up at jungkook's questioning eyes.

"so taehyung tells me cook really well. id like to try some of your cooking later." his mom says, still smiling.

"uh yeah! how about you make breakfast?" taehyung grins, his cheeks hurting from grinning too hard.

"oh, that sounds nice. im gonna go freshen up." as soon as miss kim grabs her handbag and exits the kitchen, taehyung breathes out deeply, relaxing his tensed body.

"care to explain why you kissed me?" taehyung freezes up once again.

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